9 Quotes To Help You Stick With That New Year’s Resolution Around Friends
Let’s start by saying New Year’s isn’t the only epic day of a year. Other days can be, too. But that’s only if you start it off in an epic way by keeping your resolutions, especially around your friends. Here are some ways you can.
Stella Naulo7 Gifts For People Who Have Everything
Here’s a list of seven gifts for people who seem to have everything, so keep on reading and check them out.
Stella Mary RyneThis Is How Gratitude Works
For three whole days I lived an efficiently gratuitous life; spending 56 effortless seconds before bed jotting down my five items. Then came the fourth day.
SUCCESS MagazineWhy It’s So Important To Speak Positive Affirmations Over Your Life
While the idea of using positive affirmations isn’t new, it’s something that more people are learning how to put into practice.
Rocio Espinoza3 Ways To Turn A Crisis Into A Career Upgrade
The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted nearly every single facet of life. In order to come through these soul-searching moments with excitement and hope for the future, you need to become comfortable with the idea of the unknown.
SUCCESS MagazineWhat Is Meant For You Will Come To You
When you let go of what’s bothering you and decide to let go of whatever it is that you are facing, you clear the path for the right things to come your way. Here’s why when you let go, everything you are seeking will actually begin to start seeking you.
Aubrey Therry