Benjamin Hardy

South Carolina

About Benjamin Hardy FOLLOW

I'm Benjamin Hardy. My wife Lauren and I live in Clemson, South Carolina and we are the foster parents of 3 incredible kids. Our main priorities are faith, family, learning, helping other people, travel, relaxing, and eating good food.

Since late 2015, I have been the #1 writer on My writing focuses on self-improvement, motivation, and entrepreneurship. My writing is fueled by my personal experiences, self-directed education, and formal education.

I am currently pursuing my PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Clemson University. My research focuses on the psychological differences of actual entrepreneurs vs. wannabe entrepreneurs. I am currently finishing my dissertation and graduating with my PhD, early 2018.

My work has been featured at Psychology Today, Huffington Post, Business Insider, New York Observer, Thought Catalog, and others.

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