You’re Bigger Than Where You Are At This Moment Of Your Life

June 28, 2024 | Posted at 5:01 pm | by Bianca (Follow User)

I know you may not believe me
Of what I know to be true,
But I know you’re bigger than everything that’s happening to you.

More bigger than you know
Than you might agree
This is just a moment of your journey, you see.
A moment of your story
You’re bigger than your body
You’re bigger than where you are
Even where you hope to be,
You’re bigger than everything to be.
Step out to believe this
To hold it as truth
Raise your standards for life
Try something new
Try to become more than what you’ve been through
Start living for now
Start becoming more
Start believing all things are possible somehow
Let go of what happened before
A new moment is here
Although it’s hard to believe with your fears
I know it’s hard to stretch
To become more than what you think you could be
But this is just a moment
A moment of time along the way
What you are facing, it did not come to stay
Gain strength within to move forward
Don’t let your feelings rule how you feel
Take on pushing forth what’s concealed
Be bigger than where you are.
Because in reality, you are.