Your Purpose: It’s The Alternative To A Mediocre Path

August 27, 2015 | Posted at 8:11 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

Don’t waste your life.

Don’t just go through life existing – settling for a life that is less than the one that you are capable of living.

You are for a reason.

There is a purpose for you to fulfill. There is something that only you were created to do.

So what is it that keeps you from walking in this purpose? What is it that allows you to listen to the lies that you’ve been told about what you are capable of doing? What is it that pressures you into believing that the life you are living now… is it?

Is it fear?



Peer pressure?

Or is it simply you stopping you?

I mean, sure, it’s easy to settle.

It’s easy to follow the crowd and take the alternative “mediocre” path. But you’re selling yourself short. Think about what you could miss…. think about the untapped potential you have yet to realize…think the life you can create for yourself and those around you… think about the impact you have yet to create.

Whatever your excuse might be, take a moment to throw it out the window onto your “purposeful” path.

Commit yourself to stepping into your purpose. Decide who it is that you want to be and make the commitment to yourself that you are going to do everything in your power to make that become your reality. Make the decision to not waste your time, your potential, and especially your purpose.

While you are here… while you are given a certain amount of days on this earth, make the most of it.

Don’t live a life just being “alive.”