College Entrepreneur Blazing Trails In Fashion

August 1, 2015 | Posted at 2:11 am | by Meaghan Malone (Follow User)

I want to shine light on a young female entrepreneur making her way into becoming a very successful businesswoman, Lydia Broadway.

Meet this amazing, young entrepreneur named Lydia Broadway! RIZZARR got the chance to catch up and talk with her about her many business ventures and what has continued to inspire her.

Meet this amazing, young entrepreneur named Lydia Broadway! RIZZARR got the chance to catch up and talk with her about her many business ventures and what has continued to inspire her.


Lydia is not your average 20-year-old college student majoring in Electrical Engineering. She’s an ambitious young entrepreneur who spends her spare time giving life to her many business ventures.


Like many entrepreneurs today, Lydia started her first business by expanding on a hobby of hers. Lydia owns and operates her own online jewelry store, featuring her handcrafted Lydeeloo jewelry line.

“I love fashion, and creating jewelry became my way to unwind and relax, it is very therapeutic for me,” Lydia said. “I found myself with tons of items I had been making, and running out of people to gift things to, so I decided to start my online Etsy store.”

Lydia even carries her Lydeloo jewelry line in several boutiques in the central Texas area, specializing in custom school and sorority colored items. Feel free to enjoy all the jewelry Lydia has to offer here.

Lydia Broadway and partners Rachel Sload and Jake Vines

Lydia Broadway and partners Rachel Sload and Jake Vines


Our leading lady entrepreneur is not only a jewelry maker, but an intgral part of Avundas Skin Solutions as the Co-Vice President of the company.

Lydia, Jake Vines the President, and Rachel Sload the Co-Vice President had a dream of creating a premium skincare line with a modern social media influence. They realized that as an everyday woman (or man), we are faced with free radicals everyday in our air. In excess, these free radicals cause skin damage.


Coming to the realization that a natural way to combat and prevent skin damage from toxins is with the antioxidant vitamin C, which people take when they are sick with the common cold. Lydia and her partners came to the conclusion that Vitamin C not only healed the body from toxins, but had the same affect on skin as well. In Swedish, Avundas means “envy,” and with their first line their goal is to do just that for their customers. They want to help customers make their natural skin something others envy!


In the future, Lydia and her partners see themselves expanding their brand to open up an anti-blemish line, expanding to brick and mortar locations like spas and salons, and doing more marketing towards men. In June, Lydia and her partners will be moving into a new office space in Dallas. This is a growing time for Lydia Broadway and her partners. She is excited to be moving forwarding with the Avundas Skin Solutions Company. You can follow Avundas Skin Solutions on Twitter and on Instagram. .




I got the chance to talk with Lydia and to ask her about inspires her and keeps her motivated. Lydia shared with me that she gets inspiration to follow her dreams and execute what she puts her mind to from her parents.


“It is very important to have people that believe in you,” Lydia said. “Most importantly, you must believe in yourself. But having people who can remind you that all things are possible, to have faith and never give up hope, this is the fuel to your fire.”


Lydeeloo Jewelry

Lydeeloo Jewelry

Lydia’s mother is a source of her motivation and is the best fighter that Lydia has ever met. Lydia was proud to share that her mother built herself from a 7th grade math teacher into a leader of mathematics curriculum for states and organizations.


Although she was faced with the biggest battle of her life, late stage cancer, her mom never lost her zest, spunk, or love for life. With a strong belief in herself and inspiration from her family, Lydia says each day she keeps moving toward her personal, academic, and professional goals. Though she admits that being in college and growing multiple businesses can be difficult, she is constantly reminded to keep her drive because she has passion for learning, success, and shaping a future for herself.


One thing in particular I wanted Lydia to share about Lydia is the piece of advice that she gives for young entrepreneurs, like herself.


“We are young and we are naive, this is the time in our lives to make crazy decisions,” she said. “Being rational is important, but some of the most successful ideas have been completely irrational. I believe in following dreams, no matter how far out they may be, and investing yourself in it so much, that giving up never even crosses your mind. Experience and putting yourself out in the world is what makes you successful- not a grade, not a GPA.  Never let anyone think you aren’t capable of achieving the impossible. I find as college students, we have a young optimism that we shouldn’t lose grasp of, this is the hope that drives us.”


I hope that Lydia Broadway’s drive, passion, and dedication to success has inspired you, the reader, and all budding entrepreneurs as much as it has inspired me. Until next time… follow your dreams…