Want to collaborate and share your music with singers and producers around the world? Well, now, one young man and his team have created an app just for that.
The innovative mobile application is called My16. Just released onto the mobile app scene, My16 is set to transform the way music is created, heard and shared. Additionally, the app will allow users to listen, comment, and keep track of original collaborations created by My16 users. Its name comes from the notion that most musicians use 16 measures to form one verse.
We got the chance to talk to its 23-year-old CEO, Richard Washington about the app and how he believes it will help emerging producers and artists throughout the world collaborate on all things music.
1. What initiated your interest in creating a mobile music application?
The passion for creating music and connecting people has always been within me; so in a way, My16 is the perfect blend of my lifelong passions taking the tangible form. At the conception of the idea, my friend/co-founder and I, recognized an amazing opportunity to help give a voice to emerging artists and music producers in a fun way that the mobile music market didn’t offer. From that day, we never looked back – we are on a mission to change the world through music collaboration.

Washington: “Music is an integral part of the human experience.” (Photo courtesy of My16)
2. What are some of the challenges that you faced as you tried to go after your dreams and your passions? And how did you overcome them?
Trust and understanding have been the biggest obstacles in my journey so far; and I don’t mean trusting or understanding others – but trusting and understanding yourself and your dream. All of our life experiences since birth have been uniquely different, which is what makes life so beautiful. Not one person on this earth has an identical dream or identical purpose, so to look to others for confirmation of your dreams or passions is the biggest mistake one can ever make.
Unfortunately, I found myself making that mistake when I first embarked on this journey to create My16 and this mindset was a hindrance to my personal growth and to the growth of the business. To overcome this obstacle, I recognized that I simply had to change my mindset and fully believe that I can transform the thought of My16 into a reality. I did just that and now I can proudly say that we have a mobile application that is being beta tested by a number of musicians from around the nation. Faith and focus has been my solution to every obstacle I’ve encountered thus far. Faith in God and His purpose for me…and the focus to continuously achieve my short-term goals while trusting and understanding that they will lead me to accomplish my long-term vision of creating the world’s stage for music collaboration.
3. How do you feel that these experiences have shaped you as a person and your ideas about how youth and young adults can change the world?
The experiences that came along with starting my own company have significantly changed my perspective of the world for the better. As we progress through life, we often unconsciously begin to set limitations for ourselves, and before you know it you are no longer living for your dreams or passions.
In subtle ways you are told that your dreams are too grandeur or unfeasible if you want to make a living. Well, I say stop trying to “make” a living, and instead live to make your dreams a reality. Limits are fictional. Once young adults and youth free themselves of these limits, the possibilities for change are endless. Technology has given us the power to easily reach and positively impact millions of people worldwide, so really the only person stopping you from changing the world in your unique way is yourself. And to clarify, I do not believe changing the world means you need to impact millions. If you can enrich the life of just one person through the fulfillment of your purpose and passions – that begins a ripple effect of positivity that will inspire others beyond your reach.
4. Who has played a major role on your life and in your development?
Both my mother and father have played a significant role in my life and my development. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I am the way I am mostly because of the strong foundation they instilled in me throughout my life. My parents in my opinion are the perfect team. On the one hand, I have my mother who has been my number one fan since day one and taught me that no dream is too big and that anything is possible. On the other hand, I have my father who taught me how to make “cents” of all of my dreams starting with my first business of selling candy to my classmates in middle school to DJing and hosting private events throughout high school and college. Both have been nurturing my entrepreneurial spirit since I can remember and having such a strong support system has allowed me to confidently navigate through life.
5. Why do you think more people should be aware of this area that you are interested in, and how do you think that could change the world?
Music is an integral part of the human experience. I have yet to meet a person that hates music. Yes, they may dislike a certain genre, but ultimately they have at least one favorite song. Our love for music will never end, and neither will our desire to create it.
My16 is revolutionizing the way the music is created, heard, and shared. My16 Lab is dedicated to musical collaboration and our application is changing the mobile music experience for users around the world. My16 aims to awaken mobile users from the coma of passive music consumption and empower them to become active creators of music.

Washington: “My16 Lab is dedicated to musical collaboration and our application is changing the mobile music experience for users around the world.” (Photo courtesy of My16)
6. What are you hoping that people will take away for your passions in this area?
I hope to inspire others to follow their passions and their dreams, just as I was inspired to follow mine. Life is too short. It is not enough to simply exist. Strive each day to find what your true purpose is and dedicate time to understanding the importance of your passions and dreams. They are there for a reason.
7. How you do plan to continue to use your life to change the world? And what are you hoping to accomplish in the future?
I plan to continue being a man for others. I plan to use all of the resources available to me to educate our youth and teach them to become the leaders of their generation.
My goal is to build My16 Labs around the world within underserved and neglected communities. Each My16 Lab will serve as a safe, educational, enrichment center for children of the community to attend after school each day. The centers will be staffed with highly skilled Mathematics, English, and Science teachers to provide supplementary, free tutoring to students. Volunteers from neighboring universities will participate in our one-on-one big brother/sister mentoring program. Outstanding performance in school will be rewarded by credits, which students can trade-in for access to our premier My16 recording studios – free of cost. Here, aspiring producers will learn how to operate the equipment and tools used to create a song from beginning to end, while aspiring artists take songwriting and vocal lessons and record their creations to share with the world.
8. What advice would you give to anyone who is struggling as they pursue their dreams?
Remove the limits that you have set for yourself and confidently believe in your dreams and your passions. Think of a way to turn them into a reality. Then set your sights on that one thought. Breath…now take the leap. Share your dreams with the world because how can someone help you if they don’t know your goals. Have faith and focus on whatever it is that you want for yourself, and it will become your reality. Most importantly, strive to be a positive force in every person’s life – you want your ripples to inspire, not destroy!