Be Kind: You Never Know The Secret Battles Someone Is Enduring

June 5, 2018 | Posted at 10:00 am | by Rhea (Follow User)

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”~Plato

That quote fills my soul with so much truth and understanding for the human spirit. The first time I heard though, it kind of gave me chills. It was awakening and beautiful in that it acknowledged many of us are facing secret battles. It calmed me to know that I’m not alone in the battles that I’m facing, because everyone is facing something. It felt nice to know, we aren’t so different after all.

The older I get, the more I realize, how important it is for each of us to be kind to one another, to treat each other with respect and compassion. Could you imagine how different the world would be, if we all acted in this way?

The more I meditate on Plato’s words, it becomes clear to me that we really never know what someone might be facing or harboring inside. Just because they smile on the outside, doesn’t mean that they aren’t dealing with a lot of things in secret. You never know what someone is going through.

More and more in today’s world, this seems to be the case. So many of us are facing things in secret, scared to seek help or to let others know. But we should. It takes a lot of courage, I know. But it’s worth it. It’s only through speaking out that we can get better and overcome what it is that we are facing.

For anyone reading this who is facing a tough time, know you aren’t alone. You aren’t alone at all and that your situation will get better. Have the courage to reach out for help. You never have to suffer in silence.

And for the rest of us reading this, be kind. Sincerely be kind to everyone. There’s so much impact you can make by being kind and taking time to let others know you care. For instance, if you’re in conversation with someone, don’t just always simply ask, “How you are doing?” and then quickly move on. Instead, when you ask this question, go the extra mile in seeing how someone is doing. It could change their life.

So whenever you find yourself judging someone or not being compassionate, change your perspective and actions. Remember you never know how your kind words or smile could impact their life.