You Have The Power: Flip These Three Common Vices To Find Fulfillment

December 7, 2018 | Posted at 3:31 pm | by Maurice (Follow User)

The modern world has us living a go-go-go lifestyle that’s full of to-do’s but short on fulfillment. These busy but mundane days have us hungry for happiness, but the more we wish for it, the more it seems to escape our grasp. Peace and happiness is hard to find.

But there’s good news.

Our productivity towards ultimate fulfillment boils down to our habits and behaviors. And these can be changed!

The bad news to that is that those habits and behaviors have to be changed if we want to get different results.

Changing things up to support our desires means missing out on the things we know and love. Even scarier — that requires us to embark on unfamiliar territory instead of sticking to what we already know so very well. But while the unfamiliar is intimidating, it doesn’t have to involve pain or deprivation. In fact, if you can switch up your relationship with society’s most common vices, you’re sure to feel better than ever.

Of course, you may have developed deep-rooted patterns with the following guilty pleasures. It may take some serious commitment and will require you to live each day and moment with intent. But the good news is that there are plenty of tools that can help you: speak to a psychiatrist, therapist or spiritual advisor, start a daily meditation regiment, and train your subconscious mind to live in harmony with your innermost desires. Utilize these tools to fight off the bad habits you may have formed in the following three areas:

The ‘Net

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Candy Crush, and on, and on, and on. There’s a limitless source of distraction courtesy of the Internet and — thanks to those damn smart phones — our shortened attention span only gets shorter as we go.

As fun as these sites are; as helpful as online articles much like this one may be… There are always things that are more important. Time spent plugged in is time and focus taken away from our family, partners, friends, and co-workers. Most importantly, it’s time we take away from ourselves.

Real-life people and situations and person needs shouldn’t be put on the backburner so we can check comments on yesterday’s selfie or finally get past that damn level on Cookie Jam. Yeah, it’s fun and the distraction is a welcome change of pace to a burdened mind, but real life can give us that and then some.

Instead of losing all this time to internet and TV, we should be making time for the things that give us fulfillment. Whether that’s dancing, snowboarding, or pursuing our dream of blogging, we can find at least 10 mins a day. We should really be finding more time than that as these are the things that make us happy and — hello — that’s the whole point to life, but starting or ending the day with 10 minutes of “me time” is sure to make sure you are finding the small joys abundant in life. Facebook time and TV binges can be fun, but that time is always better spent indulging the body, mind, and soul.   

Crummy Food

Sure, everyone wants to eat healthier, but who has time? That’s what fast food, pizza, and packaged foods are for. Right?

Truthfully, most of us feel more busy than we actually are, but the demands of the busy, non-stop, fast paced modern world has us growling with a hunger for convenience. We know we should be eating healthier foods and cooking our own meals, but we’re starving for something that doesn’t give us one more thing to do. And if we don’t have cooking experience then forget it! We’re more likely to start a fast food restaurant than we are to take up cooking!

When it comes down it, we want to stick to what we know. It’s easier to stick with the habits and behaviors we already have because it doesn’t require us to step outside our zone of comfort and familiarity. But that means suffering the same fatigue and extra weight we’ve grown so tired of, so change is very necessary. Luckily there are little health cheats that can get us healthier with minimal anxiety and effort.  

Whatever our health goals may be, we need to determine what it is we really need. If it’s food on the go with zero prep, look to fast snacks courtesy of nature. A few handfuls of pumpkin seeds, or a scoop of chia seeds in some coconut water offer a quick fill that comes with bonus protein and vitamins. If health issues are cause for better choices, squeeze herbal tea into your day to get the health benefits of healing and medicinal plants. Whatever the health goals are, there’s  an easy “healthy choice” that can be sneaked into our day. The step may seem small, but one change can lead to another change which can lead to an even bigger and better lifestyle.


There’s nothing like a good drink after a long day. Or after another work week…. Or after another day that happens to end in y… Alcohol is anywhere and everywhere and used by everyone, so naturally, anyday and everyday is a good day for drinking.

Alcohol certainly comes with it’s benefits in washing away stress and loosening us up but, as with all things, it’s best in moderation. In order for our bodies to digest alcohol, it has to first turn ethanol into the toxic acetaldehyde — a toxin which poses great harm to the brain, liver, and pancreas. Drinking multiple drinks in a short period of time will allow for acetaldehyde to accumulate which will obviously cause far more potential harm than good, but even “light drinking” won’t get us off the hook.

Putting poison into the body on a regular basis keeps our organs from getting a day off for important regeneration and repair. With the current definition of heavy drinking set at 15 drinks for men in a week and 8 drinks for women we should keep drinking below this number and make sure to give our livers some time off.

Alcohol may seem like the one and only gateway to relaxation and happiness, but it’s effect is due to an initial rise in endorphins, and serotonin production isn’t exclusive to beer and wine. There are alternatives that can work for you, and all it takes is an evaluation of what it is that alcohol gives you.

If tipping one back and putting your feet up is about taking time for yourself, then put your focus on this “me time.” If it’s about melting away a dark mood then shake off some negativity with exercise, time with a great friend, or your favorite comedian.

Whatever you may want to turn to alcohol for, take a moment to ask yourself what you need to be happy. Unlike drinking, this approach will have you tuning in to your real needs in life, and that will produce different needs each and every day. One day you may need the soothing heat of a bath. Another day it may be a large satisfying meal. Other days it may be time connecting with your partner or your kids. Plug yourself into your real needs and just see how fine wine or specialty brews compare to that.  

Here’s to having a healthier lifestyle and a happier life. Cheers! In moderation of course…