There’s A Reason Why You Woke Up Today

December 3, 2015 | Posted at 12:04 am | by Nicole (Follow User)

“If you don’t know your purpose, your immediate goal is to figure that out. Otherwise you’re just wandering around here.”
~Oprah Winfrey


There are people who wake up every day and repeat the same routine. They ask life no questions about purpose and meaning. Life to them is structured and they are simply living to make ends meet in order to stay alive. They are afraid of change and the idea of possibility.

There are people who wake up everyday with a goal in mind- to reach their full potential. This goal is fueled by their soul that is seeking its highest point of life. These people are not concerned with the material things of the world. They are simply seeking to enjoy life the best way they can.

There are many people who are lost in this world. Wanderers. These people can’t seem to find out why they are here. They can’t seem to understand that they too have a place in the world. That’s when you meet negativity and negativity meets jealously and jealously meets envy. If you knew your purpose, then you wouldn’t envy anyone. You would just look forward to meeting your future self.

Everyone is not meant to be famous, nor is every person whose dream was deferred will suffer at a job that is far beneath their worth. To find your reasoning for waking up every day, you must figure out what you love and why. You must tap into the real inner you and develop what is inside. We didn’t ask to be here, but we can make a difference why we are here.

Imagine if your life was taken away from you today. Think about all the things you will never have the chance to do. All the things you could have been doing while on Earth, but made the choice not to. You life is ticking away. Find your reasoning now!

“If we all sought to reach our full potential, then imagine how different the world would be. There has been so much talk about finding your true self and really honing your craft.”

However, there are only a handful of people who actually try because the road just gets too tough when trying to figure out who you are. Don’t be afraid of yourself.
You have a right to make an imprint in this world.

I don’t know why you are here. Oprah doesn’t know why you are here.
Only you can figure that out. Good Luck.