Here’s Why You Should Never Let Someone Tell You That You Can’t Do Something.

January 8, 2016 | Posted at 4:55 pm | by Sam (Follow User)

Imagine the ones who thought outside the box, the ones who colored outside of the lines, the ones who thought differently…

I’m talking about people like Thomas A. Edison, Albert Einstein, Picasso, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela… and the list goes on. These were the ones who left their mark on the world. These were the ones who revolutionized industries. These were the ones who changed history as we knew it. These were the ones who put in the time and the work to prove their naysayers wrong.

And you better believe that they had plenty of people who told then that they shouldn’t think differently. That they shouldn’t try do something. That they shouldn’t believe in their visions. That they shouldn’t go after what they believed in.

But you know? They didn’t listen.


They were determined to do what was placed within them to do. They didn’t let their opinions change what they believed in or what it was that they wanted to do. They never let someone tell them that they couldn’t do something. And as a result, they proved their naysayers wrong. They achieved what they wanted.

And now, it’s your turn.


Do what it is that you want to do. Go after what it is that you desire. You are the only one who can stop *you* from your success. You are the only one who can prove your naysayers wrong.

Have the drive and the determination to commit to what it is you want to do. Find something within yourself that can motivate you, elevate you, and make you believe that you are more than capable of achieving what it is that you are aiming towards. You have everything you need to go after your goals, regardless of what may come your way and regardless of what other people may tell you.

And even if you are afraid at times, go after your dream afraid. You will always be much better off doing so, even if you fail at first. Yes, it will take belief, it will take strife, it will take guts, but you can do it. Chase your dreams. Become everything that you were created to be.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself, I can do it. I will make it happen, because you can. For these reasons and more, you should never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something…