Why You Can’t Give Up On Yourself

April 23, 2015 | Posted at 7:32 pm | by Leo (Follow User)

We have all been there. We have all lied down on our beds for days at a time, looking up at the ceiling thinking, “What do I do now?”

Everyone has had that moment when they wanted to give up and settle. When it comes down to it, anyone can settle and give up on their dreams. They can do something that was handed to them and live a normal life. They can look around at everyone else but themselves and think, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this?”

Let me tell you something about success. There is always an excuse not to reach it. You can always look forward to tomorrow with a mindset and think to yourself “I can relax today.” Because that’s what the CEO’s of these top companies did, right?

Here’s the thing about reaching your goal: If it was easy, then everybody would do it. Everyone is so scared of change. They are so afraid of finding out that they are capable of and doing so much more. Whether it’s losing your loved one, failing school, getting fired, or just plain giving up, it is never too late.



If you want something bad enough, then “quitting” is not in your vocabulary. Sure, you can look back at it and think, “I could have done this better.” But you can also move forward in your life, learning from your past and fix your future.

When I was going through tough times and looking for motivation, a wise man with much experience told me, “You’ve had some hard times but have many personal gifts. It’s very worthwhile for all of us to control ourselves. I’ve had to work hard on it and still fail at times.” It’s not about being perfect, but about perfecting yourself.

If mistakes weren’t made, how would we know how to handle things when we do get to point of our lives when we made it? Here’s the secret… If you are someone who wants to be successful, you will never reach your “goal.” You will always be hungry for more goals and opportunities. By having this perspective, you will enjoy the ride more than you could have imagined.

(Photo: Here's the thing about reaching your goal. If it was easy, everybody would do it. (Photo: Hemera/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Here’s the thing about reaching your goal. If it was easy, everybody would do it. (Photo: Hemera/ Thinkstock)


Everyone has a fear in their life that they are afraid of not reaching. If you are afraid you don’t spend enough time with your parents, get up and go spend time with them. If you see your relationship with your significant other falling apart, stop worrying, and talking to people about it. Do something about it.

Because until the person tells you it’s too late, it’s not. If you’re failing your class in your last semester of college and you’re about to not graduate, go and spend every waking minute in the library. Learn that material more than your professor knows it. You can always work on something in your life. Become more fit, learn how to put yourself out there, or even take on a new hobby. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

You will always have someone who won’t believe in your ability to succeed.


They will always test your ability to push through and believe in yourself. But don’t look around for others to tell you why you are not. Instead, become the reason why you are. Think about why confident people are the most attractive. They carry a quality that only leaders have. Everyone wants to be a leader. No one wants to be a sheep that is just following the herd.

But ultimately, you have to believe in yourself.


Yes, you have to believe in yourself, regardless of what’s around you. “There is always going to be someone smarter than me and there is always going to be someone who has more opportunities than I do. But, I will outwork every single one of them, and in the process surpass their intellect and make my own opportunities that they couldn’t have dreamed of.” This quote by my brother, Yoni Dassa, describes how he views his life. But, he always made opportunities for himself, even when no one else was able to help guide him in where to find them.

And you have to stay hungry in fulfilling your dreams, despite the odds.


In simpler terms, as my grandfather always say, “Hunger is the best sauce.” Is it more exciting when you are deciding on where to go get food, or when you are stuffed and can nearly breathe? Would you rather be satisfied and full, or would you rather always be looking to strive for reaching what some might say is impossible, but for you is nothing?

Remember: Everything that happened to you, it happened for a reason. You were betrayed by a significant other, hurt by your most loved ones, let people down and failed in things you’ve done in the past for a reason. So now that you have experienced hurt, are you going to keep it to yourself or are you going to continue to put yourself out there? Here’s an original one by myself. “Fear regret more than failure.” We all need that push. Instead of looking for the right opportunity, become that opportunity.

I do not promise many things, but I do promise you this: If you want success more than you want to sleep, you will be successful. If you have read up until now, then it is time to stop looking for the inspiration. You already know what you have to do. The rest is up to you.