Why Writing A Book Might Be A Good Idea

February 21, 2020 | Posted at 1:14 pm | by Alex Larsen (Follow User)

Pretty much everyone at some point has thought about writing a book. Maybe you’re a professional with years of experience in a field and want to share your knowledge with the world, or maybe you just want that fantasy novel that you’ve had swirling in your head for years to finally meet the pages of a book. You don’t need a fancy writing degree to write a good quality book that people will enjoy. All you need is a bit of passion and some time. The world is a big place and there’s something out there for everyone to enjoy. For example with the rise of online casinos like novicasino.com, gambling books have been making a resurgence with new ones being released almost daily. Chances are if it’s in your head, there’s someone out there that will want to read it. 



Writing, in essence, has a lot to do with self-discovery. When writing, no matter if it’s fiction or non-fiction, we share our stories. All of this comes from inside our minds, and to write it down means to dig deep into what’s inside to enrich the many personalities that come up in the book. This often brings with it discovering new insights about who we are as people that could be potentially life-changing. If you’re not writing fiction and are focusing on sharing your knowledge with the next generation, then it’s not uncommon to bring back to the forefront memories we might have forgotten throughout our careers. This could not only make us better teachers but also better at what we do.



Welcome to the new age. Everything has a place on the internet now, so worrying about getting stuck somewhere in the writing process is a thing of the past. Whatever resources you may need to successfully finish your masterpiece are just one keyword search away. 

Other than the resources that you can find online that could help inspire your writing, you can now find easier ways to share your creation with the world. The online space can be a great way to reach publishers that might be interested. If you prefer to go down the self-publishing route, then there are plenty of viable options that can help you self-publish online easily.



Once you’ve finished your masterpiece and released it into the world, you can expect a steady stream of royalties coming your way on the regular. Publishing a book can earn you a pretty hefty sum if the book takes off. If you go with the self-publishing option then you can retain an even bigger percentage of the royalties the book sales make. Whatever you choose to do, your book will be out there, and as long as people are interested in it and keep buying, you’ll have some extra money in your pocket to get the nice things you deserve.