Why Office Interior Design Is Critical To Employee Productivity

March 11, 2023 | Posted at 9:00 am | by Emily (Follow User)

Employees are a company’s biggest asset and retaining the best of them is vital for success. That is why it is important to pay attention to their needs and health.

In recent years, the employers have realized all the benefits of a satisfied employee and have started doing everything they can to keep their workforce happy. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a functional environment where everyone can thrive.

So, in case you are not familiar with all the advantages of having the right office design, we are here to show you how employee productivity can be improved by organizing your workspace to fit their requirements.

Ergonomic furniture

Seeing as how employees spend most of their time sitting behind a desk, it’s no wonder their health is deteriorating. Once they get home, they usually have to take care of their home and family, and can hardly find some time to dedicate to themselves and their fitness. This means that they often come to work tired. In order to make them feel better, you can start using ergonomic furniture. By finding adjustable chairs and desks, they can find the right position to work in. Consider using standing desks as well. Keep in mind that there is such a thing as correct sitting and standing. Adopting proper posture will significantly decrease back and neck pain. Moreover, getting ergonomic equipment, such as mouses, keyboards and palm rests, will reduce the wrist and elbow strain. When the employees feel comfortable, their productivity levels soar.

Resting area

Providing the workers with space where they can rest during their lunch hour can also be a great investment. Get some lazy bags and a sofa where they can relax for a while. This can also be a screen-free zone, which will let them rest their eyes. Try adding some games, such as table tennis or foosball. In case you cannot add a room just for this, encourage them to go outside during their break. An employee that feels rested will be more productive.

Working equipment

In order for the whole office to be productive, having functioning equipment is of the essence. The workflow can easily be disrupted by devices that take minutes to start working. Furthermore, having a slow internet connection can wreak havoc on the creativity of the entire workforce. That is why you have to pay special attention to your equipment. Keep it regularly maintained and up-to-date. When you see it’s time for new computers or printers, find the space for it in your budget and make sure your employees have the best gear.

Practical layout

The layout of the office plays a critical role in achieving goals. That is why it’s important to know that there is no solution that fits all types of offices. When designing your premises, you must take your priorities, objectives, company culture and other factors into consideration. In case you work with a lot of clients privately and separately, having proper offices or isolated cubicles is the best approach. On the other hand, if your employees often work together to finish a project or brainstorm an idea, the open layout might be a better way to go. However, seeing as how finding the right type of office layout can be quite difficult, you can consult some experts in the field. For example, companies such as Maxam can provide you with the best design and create it for you. Thanks to their experience, they know exactly what your company will benefit from most.

Limiting noise

Annoying sounds can irritate us even when we are not trying really hard to concentrate. Seeing as how you have no control over the outside noise, it might be a great idea to soundproof your headquarters. When it comes to the noise made by your workers, it’s best to group them together in some way so that they do not have to shout at each other. Moreover, for individuals that prefer white noise or some instrumental music, you can even get noise-cancelling headphones. Another way to cut down on the noise is by using apps to communicate, for instance, Skype or Slack.

Adequate lighting

Another important aspect that affects productivity is proper lighting. The best option is, of course, natural light, which can serve as a great mood booster. Try to implement plenty of windows, even those ceiling-to-floor ones if your space allows. On the other hand, if you are not lucky enough to have huge windows, finding the right type of artificial lights is necessary. It’s best to layer the lights and include both overhead and task lights. You should also consider the colour temperature when choosing the bulbs.

Biophilic design

The above-mentioned ergonomic furniture and natural light are just some elements of biophilia. This approach to design tells us that we have an innate connection to nature, which we should nurture in order to feel better. Introducing nature to our indoors can be done in many ways. One of them is going all out and implementing a living wall. However, seeing as not every company has the means and the space for it, putting some potted plants around the office can have the same effect. Moreover, huge windows are also great as they can provide you with an amazing view of nature. Alternatively, offices with no view can hang up different artworks that represent nature. Workspaces that turn to nature show a higher level of productivity and worker satisfaction, studies suggest.

Proper organization

The organization is one of the most important factors when it comes to the work rate. Being able to quickly access the files they need massively improves the efficiency of the employees. That is why space should be clear of all clutter, but documents and supplies should still be on hand. Look into practical storage options. Furthermore, go through all files and see what can be uploaded on the cloud to save you physical space as well as make looking something up easier.


There are many ways in which design can boost the productivity of the entire office. Finding the right approach and elements is vital. Once you have put some time and effort into research and upgraded the space, you will see your results soar.