We Receive What We Ask Of Life
“There is no passion in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” — Nelson Mandela
“The givens of life are gifts because they are the ingredients of character, depth and compassion,” writes David Richo in The Five Things We Cannot Change. There is wisdom in that simple message, when overlooked results in life’s dramas.
Being irrational creatures, we fail to see past our tragedies to realise life offers us encouragement even though it may not appear in the form we expect. Our time here is not meant to be a cycle of pain and suffering.
It is within our power to choose how we respond to unfolding events. Contained within that choice lies our greatest lessons if we withhold judgement on how life should develop.
To concede defeat, we award power to those unpleasant events by perpetuating the victim role, which is an easy trap to fall into. Have you noticed this throughout your life where you have fallen victim to your circumstances?
I know I have. I blamed everything and everyone for my predicament because I didn’t want to take ownership of my mess. It felt like I failed to make my life work and I did everything in my power to divert ownership of my situation.
We ought to remain vigilant to how we respond to life’s ups and downs. For example, do you believe happiness is a choice, not an unattainable goal? the things is, you move toward happiness the moment you declare your intention to do so. Equally, we may be content, yet happiness may elude us.
When happiness entails our material and emotional needs being met, we allow it to permeate our lives with unbound richness. With our basic needs fulfilled, we want nothing more than the comfort of being present within our own body. Even unwanted thoughts fuelled with fear or anxiety are powerless over us since they are transitory states.
Our obligation is to abide by something deeper if we wish to live the life we deserve. That is, we should stand for something which commands power and a reason to attend to the day. We receive what we ask of life. What we claim equates to our self-worth and is in direct proportion to the sum of our life’s experiences.
We cannot demand more if we are undeserving on some level. If we have issues with receiving, this is likely to show in how much life affords us. However, if our beliefs coincide with what we deserve, that becomes our reference point.
Is this an idea you’re comfortable with? You see, unresolved childhood wounds are often related to unworthiness issues that perpetuate through maturity. Perhaps our main caregiver convinced us of our unworthiness and we held on to this all this time.
For that reason, we must avoid responding to limiting thoughts to what is lacking in our life. With enough energy, these learned beliefs transform into negative states sooner or later. Reality is formed by aligning with our deepest values, not by reciting worn-out childhood inner dialogues.
This is not who you are, any more than choosing to associate with your childhood toys. Reality is reflected in our thoughts, desires and beliefs on what we deserve and are willing to accept.
Face Our Challenges
“Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve.” — Unknown
We must be bold in our willingness to commit to our dreams without being pushed by life’s failures, since they often redirect us to a better-suited destination. We must strive to be moved by our passion and our heart’s desires.
There is discussion these days on the merit of visualising a purposeful future which invites us to call on our imagination to bring reality to life. You have to believe it before you see it maintains the saying. To embrace the life we deserve, we must step into our greatness not cower from it.
There is nothing to fear other than fear itself, which holds us captive by playing small. Just like a double-edged sword, if we shy away from our magnificence, it has the potential to impair our growth if we fail to use those gifts.
I enjoy Steven Pressfield’s view in Do The Work in which he writes: “A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.”
Therefore, be present and alive in each moment instead of floundering in the past or focusing on an imaginary future. Many people prevent a promising future from arriving due to negative thoughts and a belief they are undeserving of goodness.
To create the life we deserve, we must take inspired action and move out of our comfort zone. “Life happens at the end of your comfort zone,” declares Neale Donald Walsch.
Is this something you are willing to do — move out of your comfort zone to live a future you will be happy and content with? Think about what it requires giving up or trading in for a life of value, purpose and meaning. Only you can answer that question.
I opened this piece with a quote by the prominent psychotherapist David Richo Ph.D. who asserts that life’s gifts are the ingredients of character, depth and compassion. To affirm these endowments we must face our challenges with conviction and a resolute heart.
With this in mind, I invite you to look at whether you are living a life you value and deserve. If not, what is missing or lacking? What would it take to fill this reservoir with happiness and fulfillment?
You needn’t how the hows but make the declaration to move in the direction of your hopes, dreams and highest aspirations. For in striving, we attain inner freedom and as the Buddhist nun Pema Chodron says: “No matter what the size, colour, or shape is, the point is still to lean toward the discomfort of life and see it clearly rather than to protect ourselves from it.”