Why Forgiveness Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

April 27, 2016 | Posted at 11:12 am | by Pete + Jordan (Follow User)


For many of us, it’s a big scary word. Whether we’re seeking it or giving it, it can be a hard thing to come by. And while it’s not the most popular of topics, I’m learning that forgiving is a key component to living our best lives.

I’ve been thinking about forgiveness a lot lately. Specifically, why is it so hard for some of us to forgive? What is truly required of us to give forgiveness? And who does it really benefit?

Personally, my reflections have stemmed from a spiritual sense of forgiveness. The fact that I am forgiven by God, loved by him so greatly that no matter how undeserving I may be, he is always ready to forgive us – that in itself is an enormous blessing.

Now to be completely transparent, my intent with this post isn’t to preach. Instead, I’m sharing that my experience of spiritual forgiveness has drastically shaped how I view forgiveness in our world. My hope is that we can all start to shed the weight of our anger, frustration, and hurt by slowly learning how to forgive and love.

What it Means to Forgive and What is Required of Us

Before we can start asking why forgiveness is so hard, it’s important to understand what forgiveness really is, and what it requires from us.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, to forgive is to stop feeling anger toward someone (who has done something wrong) or to stop blaming someone.

This is all about feelings, not facts.

If someone hurt you, forgiving them does not mean that you have to negate your feelings. You are still allowed to feel hurt, and how you experience a situation is still your own truth.

Forgiveness also does not require us to forget what happened.

It doesn’t require us to give trust in return.

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