Why Entrepreneurs Should Welcome Rejection

February 6, 2018 | Posted at 2:15 am | by Fares (Follow User)

As entrepreneurs, we live in the future and are determined to build what’s missing. Along the journey, we’re met with un-measurable resistance. But we shouldn’t get down on ourselves, because rejection is an opportunity to learn—for free!

Rejection is a part of life, especially an entrepreneur’s life, but that doesn’t make it any easier to hear.

In the moment, rejection stings!

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie

Why You Should Welcome the Word ‘No’

No one likes being told no — especially me — but no is one of the most important words an entrepreneur can hear (and say). If you’re not getting told no enough times a day, you’re probably not pushing hard enough!

  • No, your idea won’t work!
  • No, I d­­on’t want to buy your product!
  • No, I don’t want to invest in your company!

If you’re building a company, hearing ‘no’ is normal. It mean’s you’re trying to do something that’s disruptive, groundbreaking, and on a path to change the world!


The reason we as entrepreneurs hear no so often is because people don’t believe we’re capable of making our dreams a reality. You can’t control how people respond to your ideas, but you can control how you face rejection. When you get rejected (and you will), remember that “no” isn’t the end of the road.

When someone says you don’t have what it takes. Don’t feed the pain. Channel the frustration and let it fuel your fire. Go show them why they just made one of the biggest mistakes of their life!

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work! How do you overcome being told no?