Why A Life Without Vision Is Like Sailing With No Destination

August 28, 2015 | Posted at 5:08 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

Everyone seems to have an opinion about who you should be, and what you should do with your life. Everyone, even our entire society.

It’s easy to take in the opinions of others, instead of sticking with your gut and the plans that you have for your life. It’s also easy to drop your goals or dreams because of all the crazy negativity that it’s in the world.

Life gets hard, and it can weigh you down.

The feeling of needing some type of roadmap for your life… of not really knowing for sure where you are going can weigh you down. Then, on top of that, there’s the whole problem of time. Time seems to go by in the blink of an eye. All of a sudden, you are forced into feeling like you have to know exactly when you will take each step in your life; when you will figure out who it is that you want to be; when and how you are going to get there; etc, etc.

But in reality, maybe all of these time frames and notions are just distractions.

Maybe the key to unlocking everything in your life is vision. Without vision you are simply going through life with no real purpose, no real understanding of what you are capable of achieving. It’s like you are constantly just coasting away, feeling empty.

Having vision allows you to believe in what is possible, despite what you’re facing or the challenges around you. Vision allows you to set the tone for who your soul knows you want to become during your lifetime.

Vision helps you to take risks, even with uncertainty because you have mastered the art of seeing what others fail to see. Vision is what gives your life meaning, purpose, and the navigation to fortuitously get where it is that you should be – despite sometimes feeling like you’ve lost your way.

Yes, vision is the key to life.

Without a vision for how you plan to live your life, it makes your life that much harder to navigate. I’ve realized that nothing in life is promised. Nothing in life is set in stone. Nothing in life can ever hold you back so far that you will not fulfill your purpose. And nothing in life that people say can alter or determine your destiny. Nothing.

Ultimately, I’ve realize that what helps determine our destinies and how we “sail” in life is the vision that we hold for our life.

Don’t you agree?