Who Would You Be If You Really Believed In Yourself?

November 11, 2016 | Posted at 3:26 pm | by Sandra (Follow User)

Gandhi is known for his many phenomenal, revolutionary statements. But one of them has proven far more important in my life than the others: “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

Hmmm… no wonder there are so many of us who have not become who we “sometimes” envision ourselves to be. We often take for granted the power of our beliefs and how they can shape everything about our lives. Usually, we fail to realize just how much our beliefs about ourselves determine our reality.

You know what I mean. One minute we’re believing in ourselves and in our capabilities, and accomplishing a few of our goals. But the next minute we’re in a downward slump, not able to get anything done. We’re all over the place in our heads. Completely unsure of who we can become. Unsure of how we can step into who we aspire to be. Our beliefs are chaotic to say the least. We look around at our current situation and limit our possibilities. And by doing so, that’s when we fall short.

We can always choose to not believe in ourselves. We can always find an excuse, a reason as to why we can’t have the life that we dream of creating. There is always a reason. Yet, we don’t have to accept these reasons. We can choose to really believe in ourselves and who we can become. *You* can choose to believe in yourself.

One of the most powerful forces in your life is, you.

You have the reigns on your life and determine who it is you will become. Despite what you may think about yourself and what you are capable of achieving, you can achieve anything that you desire. Nothing is ever set in stone, as they say. There’s still so much more of your life and purpose for you to fulfill.

I know it’s hard to believe in yourself sometimes. It’s hard to look pass your flaws, insecurities, the things getting in your way to be able to believe in what you can become. But you have to push forward and choose to believe. we often take the power of our beliefs for granted in how they can shape everything about our lives. We often fail to realize that it is our beliefs about ourselves that determine everything.

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does or even when you, yourself, can’t. Find that inner strength within you to believe in yourself because that’s how you become who you want to be.

Let go of the shadow around you that holds you back, makes you feel inadequate. Let go of the limits that you have placed on yourself. Let go of those around you who criticize your dreams. Let go of everything you once were. Let go of all of these and finally begin to really believe in yourself and who it is you aspire to be.

Anything is possible for your life when you believe. You can become anything you desire. The trade is that, we often forget we are greater and more capable than we think. We are no different than those who have changed the world before us. In truth, the only difference between those legends and ourselves is what we each have chosen to believe possible for ourselves. Transcend what you are into what you can and should be.