When You Need To Push Through And Do It – Afraid

February 7, 2018 | Posted at 9:20 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

Did anyone ever tell you, it would be easy?

Well, I hate to break it to you, but they lied.

Going after your dreams will take down all of you…

all of your pride.

Because it’s all on you.

It’s all on you to see that dream birth

It’s so hard,

But it’s all in good worth.

So get started, get going, and keep going…

Push through.

Endure it.

Take it step by step

Don’t let anything stop you.

In truth, nothing CAN stop you from reaching your greatness

Becoming your all

Don’t let things get in the way,

regardless of how much you fall.

Take all the pain inside

Use it to grow

Use it to become someone greater, stronger than you know

Yes, it’s possible.

YES, it REALLY is.

You just can’t let fear get in the way

You can’t think you will have “more” time

Another day

Because life is too short and you could miss out

Going after our purpose is a part of what life’s about.

Do not miss out on what you were placed on this earth to do

Seriously, you have everything needed within you

to make any goal you have come true.

Of course, there will be moments when you want to give up in your fight

But you have to keep pushing through with all of your might

This is the reality.

So just face it.

Deal with it.

Let this fact settled in.

Embrace it and simply begin.

Do it all – afraid.

So what if you fail sometimes,

Your journey isn’t based on a grade.

Never back down.

And don’t ever think you can’t make it.

If you need to, sometimes “fake it.”

Decide to push through it all, this is your big chance

A HUGE opportunity for you to advance.

And don’t look around for support all of the time

Sometimes it won’t be found

You got to look deep within yourself

and learn to lift yourself off the ground.

Now, get going!

Stay focused on your lane

Don’t focus on everyone else’s cares,

because there’s nothing to gain.

Just DO you.

Do your journey – even afraid.

Push through it all.

Even the rainy days.

So what if it’s hard?!

This is your moment to make a dent

Be strong,

Be completely hellbent

All of the greatest things in life come from pushing through fear.

So now, you push through it – afraid, my dear.
