When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look At Change

December 17, 2015 | Posted at 3:36 am | by Richelle (Follow User)

When you’ve faced something or dealt with something, did anyone ever tell you that you needed to change the way you looked at the situation?

For some funny reason, that question makes me think about people who wear glasses or contacts (and really need them) trying to look at something without them. You know, like first thing in the morning when they’re trying to wake up and slowly get going going. Before really hitting the ground running (with their contacts and glassed included), they’ll tell their perspective is completely off.

Everything is blurry…a chaotic mess, making it hard to make any sort of progress. Then, the contacts and glasses are added.

Voilà! BAM!

Things now look completely different.

Maybe that’s the way that our vision is when it comes to facing something or dealing with an interesting situation in life. Maybe that has everything to do with what we call life. It reminds me of a famous saying by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Hmm…

But this seems easier said than done. I mean, how do you begin to change your perception? How do you clear through the mess, the stress, and the perplexity of what it is that you are facing?

I guess it’s that you just decide that you are going to take a step back and think to yourself: What is this situation teaching me? What positive thing can I gain from this situation, even though I hate it? Personally, I think this might be the best approach to anything.

Really, we all are going to face things that make us roll our eyes; things that make us numb; things that make us question. The older I get, the more I’m realizing that our situations are never permanent. Instead, they come to teach us something or to give us some kind of wisdom. Whether it’s about ourselves, people, the real world, or whatever, there is something that we can always take from them. And in doing so, we are able to change our perception about them.

In between my blurriness, my missteps, and my discovery of who I am, I’ll try to change the way I look at things. I’ll try to breathe a little more. I’ll try to enjoy this interesting journey called life a little more. I’ll keep trying…

Will you?