When It’s All Just Too Much…

December 1, 2017 | Posted at 12:32 pm | by Paul (Follow User)

Doesn’t it all just feel too much right now?


The headlines. The 24/7 insanity. The nagging, unrelenting, driving pressure.

Do you ever look around and feel like we’re all one bad day away from a mental breakdown. One wrong turn away from being caught running down Highway 33 in our underwear holding a pineapple and a frying pan?

What’s the answer?

Photo I snapped at the Arcade Fire concert. Their song “Everything Now” is the soundtrack for this post.

What’s the solution to the unrelentingness? To the constant squeeze.

I want it all. I want it now. But gosh, do I really want it that much.

Everything, (un)surprisingly, becomes too much.

What’s the answer to living in the 24/7 insanity? To moving forward in life, without running around in your underwear on the nightly news?

Here’s the answer I’m kicking around. 

Let’s just all take a deep breath. A big freaking breath.

Let’s pull ourselves out from the feeding frenzy and just be for a few minutes.

Man, if you just need to sit and close your eyes right now, please do it. I’ll be here when you get back.

We will never get it all. We will never get it now.

It will never feel like it’s supposed to, even when it does happen.


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