When It Comes To Your Dream, You Can Back Down Or You Can Fight For It

June 19, 2024 | Posted at 9:59 am | by James (Follow User)

I’ve become convinced that this one Charles R. Swindoll’s phrase is absolutely true: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

When you are going after a dream, there are moments when it can seem like everything is coming against you. Literally anything and everything.

You almost feel backed into a wall. Back into everything that you are trying to fight through to get to where it is that you are trying to go. But it’s in those moments that you have to make the decision within yourself that you are not going to back down. You are not going to give up. You are going to fight for what it is that you want.

When it comes to achieving your dream, you have to fight for it. That’s the reaction that you need to take when life seems to be coming against you. Personally, this has not always been easy for me.

At different points in my life with different dreams, it seemed easier to just give up. The dream was too hard to fulfill. Too much to endure. But then, I would get mad at myself for not going further, for not giving it my all, for not fulfilling that dream. And then, that’s when the fight within me was awakened. That fight is the fight to become everything that I was created to be with every dream placed within me.

Whenever you want anything in life, I have learned that sometimes you have to fight for it. No one is going to hand it to you. That’s not how life works.

On top of that, it may feel like everything is coming against you in the process of fulfilling that dream. But I’ve also learned to ignore those things, too. Things that you can’t control will happen. All that could go wrong probably will, but you must simply learn to fight for your dream.

It’s all about how bad do you want that big dream of yours. If you don’t, you will back down and if you do, you’ll learn to keep going, regardless of what comes against you. Always believe in yourself and in your dream. Never give up. Fight for your dreams!