Here you are.
Grown up in every way
Or at least seeming to be that way to the world
Time has passed
Things have changed
For some reason, the strangest thing is that,
Everything you thought you knew, you now feel like you never knew
It’s agonizing
It’s disheartening that…
There’s a point in life when you grow up,
And realize the way the world is,
How things are,
Doesn’t seem to be what you thought it would be
Friendships fade
Memories outgrow themselves
Dreams change
You change
People change
And you see things now, the way they are
It can feel alienating
But then,
You realize you’re not alone
There’s point in everyone’s life when we each question everything
When everything we thought we knew, we feel like we don’t
We all have that.
That uncertainty
It can shake you
It can break you
Do you know that feeling, too?
That feeling of life when everything seems to be blurred
When the things you thought were true aren’t
But maybe that’s the point of life… it’s this constant change
Of growth, of becoming, of realizing how things are
Of realizing that you don’t have to accept things as they are
You have a choice
You can shape the life you want,
or you can accept what’s in front of you.
Here you are.
It’s your turn.
When Everything That You Thought You Knew, You Never Knew
Photo Credit: (Photo: iStockphoto)