What You Realize About Gratitude As You Get Older

November 19, 2021 | Posted at 10:08 am | by Riley (Follow User)

Someone once said, “What screws us up the most in life is the picture that we have in our head of how it’s supposed to be.”

For instance, how life’s “supposed to be” smooth sailing; it should be everything that we’ve hoped it would be; it should be what we wish for… you get the point. But as you and I both know, that’s not always how life goes. There is no set way of how life should be.

Life is life.

It’s a complicated, intense, juggling act and so many other things. Life is full of many facets and intense moments. And to top it off, unfortunately, life has this funny way of proving itself to be everything that you didn’t plan on it being. And that’s OK. At times, it has happened to us all.

Maybe you’re having one of these moments right now where your life is not what you hoped it to be. Maybe you’re beating up on yourself. Maybe you’re feeling unsure. Maybe you don’t know what to think. And as much as I feel your pain (because I know all of these feelings), I guaranteed you that you still have something that you can be grateful for within your life. You have something positive going for you within your life that can help you feel some peace, some sense of gratitude.

Take that fact you might be healthy; have a family; have a job; have a roof over your head; have clothes… these are all things that many people around the world don’t have. I’m sure you could come up with a greater list of things that you should be grateful in your life. Things that would help you to not get so caught up on how “you think” life should be.

What I’ve found is that, when I stop focusing on everything that’s going wrong in my life, I can breathe a little bit more. I can step back a little bit more. I can remind myself that yes, life may not be as I want it to be at the current moment, but I have a lot to be thankful for.

Yeah, I know it’s that time of year when we are supposed to be in this thankful mindset. But don’t just be in and let it pass. Grasp onto gratitude. Doing so may not change your situation, but it can change you for the better and your perspective. It can make you see things differently within your life that you might be taking for granted right now. Compared to what could be happening to you, I bet you that your life is still better than what it could be. You have a lot to be grateful for — even with the drama in the mix.

Don’t what you’re going through, destroy your spirit. Don’t let it overtake you and who you are. With gratitude, you can begin to rise above your current situation in ways that you may have never imagined. And maybe that’s the point of life not be what we planned.

Although life may not be exactly what we plan at each moment, we can take its annoying moments along the way in more strength and optimism with gratitude. We can, because at the end of that situation, we know that we are going to be better than we were before. We know that we can use the lessons from that situation as a driving force to continue to embrace an attitude of gratitude along the unexpected paths we may find ourselves facing.