Four Epic Things Learned About Motivation From Newton’s Law Of Motion

February 19, 2016 | Posted at 1:53 am | by Tori (Follow User)

Fighting the ebb and flow of motivation can be one of the hardest battles an entrepreneurial Millennial can face. Growing up in the age of startup culture, our schedules have gotten busier. Since “startup” does not always equate to “livable income,” many Millennials are left working multiple jobs, managing busier schedules, and running towards goals faster than ever before. For many of us, the phrase “There just aren’t enough hours in a day” has an entirely new meaning – it’s literal, and we’re facing the struggle daily.

Enter Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists and quasi-philosophers of all time. You’ll find exactly the answer that can help Millennials solve the “motivation problem” hidden in his scientific principles.

Newton’s first law of motion teaches us that “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Let’s break it down.

1. An object at rest stays at rest

Whether you’re in a cycle of rest and relaxation or just being lazy, it’s hard to gain momentum to get anything done when your brain is on a mental hiatus. As Newton states, an unbalanced force must occur or rest will continue. This force, for Millennials and ambitious entrepreneurs, can be the “aha” moment that springs us to our feet, gets our attention, and gets us moving. We must be careful not to stay at rest too long so that our innovative natures are subdued by an overextended period of stagnancy – we must take our forceful moments of creativity and ideation as an impetus for action and run with them.

2. An object in motion stays in motion

Whether you use Newton’s verbiage or whether you can recall stating, “I can’t stop now, I’m on a roll,” the point is the same. For entrepreneurs, we’ve heard many people tell us to slow down, take a break, or get out of the office at five o’clock. Yet, when we are experiencing inventive thinking coupled with unbridled momentum, we must stay in motion. Rest helps us remember to balance ourselves for the sake of our mental and physical health, but when racing toward an idea, losing momentum can be devastating to the equation of entrepreneurship.

3. Staying at the same speed and in the same direction

Think of this concept within scope, keeping focus, and maintaining purpose. When our startups are struggling or when shiny ideas of bigger and better ventures cross our paths, we must remember to avoid losing focus with the distraction of possibility and keep our sights on the goals ahead of us. Keep your momentum, and stay in line.

4. Unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

When at rest, an unbalanced force can get you moving again; however, when in motion, an unbalanced force can derail and stall you. Understand the pros and cons of the forces of unknown situations and strive to live in balance. Learn to manage these circumstances when they are negative, and be grateful for them when they get you back in motion.

Newton’s principles can help us make sense of motivation and entrepreneurship, although all entrepreneurs are not created equal. Our industries, families, and biological differences make up the widely diverse landscape of entrepreneurship – we mustn’t lose this. Take Newton’s laws and apply them to your life, understanding your personal balance, personal drive, and areas that may take away your momentum or balance. Find your personal formula, and stick to it.

Among the grand advice of today’s entrepreneurs, this 300-year-old philosophical, scientific law certainly encompasses a “mic drop moment.” On behalf of millennials – thank you, Sir Isaac Newton.

This article was originally posted on Forbes.