What is the Dog Meat trade, and How do we stop it?

November 30, 2022 | Posted at 2:52 am | by Melissa (Follow User)

It is shocking to know that 2.5 million dogs are killed for their meat each year in South Korea. While this number seems outrageous, it’s even sadder to see that it has jumped to 10 million in China. Because dogs are beloved family members to many, we don’t think about how dogs are treated around the world and particularly in certain parts of Asia. They are raised and bred for being eaten and often treated and slaughtered in the most inhumane way possible. 

While it is not a subject most want to hear about, we must understand the dog meat trade and learn how to stop it from protecting our furry friends. 

What is Dog Meat Trade and Why Do We Care

While treating dogs as our friends rather than our food is an important reason to protect dogs and stop the dog meat trade, there are also several other reasons we need to be concerned about. First, despite appreciating cultural differences worldwide, there is no excuse for animal cruelty. 

The Inhuman Treatment

It’s not easy to read about, but understanding how these dogs are treated is crucial for spreading awareness in the fight against the dog meat trade. For example, One dog named Free was rescued in late November of 2021 before ultimately entering the dog meat trade market. Free was chained so tightly to the home in South Korea that the poor pup could hardly sit or lie down. 

Many of these dogs are bred on the larger side, but smaller pups don’t fall safe from these practices either. It is very typical for dogs to be abandoned in South Korea and a few other Asian countries. In this case, a dog meat collector will come by and stuff these dogs into small wired cages, often with multiple in one cage. Their bodies will be contorted to fit inside as one cage is not big enough for one dog. 

Because of the belief that extreme adrenaline may produce more tender meat, many dogs are exposed to intense fear. Often being slaughtered on full display in front of other dogs. 

The Global Health Risk

Our world is still recovering from a global pandemic that will face setbacks for many years to come. In addition, the World Health Organization has warned against this industry because of other links between the dog meat trade and serious diseases such as cholera, rabies, and trichinellosis. 

Because of how unregulated this market is, the risk of spreading these diseases is high. Usually, dog meat markets are in tight spaces and open-air markets. Combined with the transportation of sick dogs and served in restaurants, we risk seeing diseases like Bird-Flu, Mad Cow, etc.  

How Do We Stop the Dog Meat Trade

While there are many sad stories and reasons to prevent and stop the dog meat trade, many don’t know where to turn. We may think that we cannot impact the affairs in China, South Korea, the Philippines, and more, but we do! From less involved to more involved solutions, we can help save many dogs. 


It’s rewarding when you give a pup a second chance. Thanks to companies like Jindo Love Rescue, hundreds of dogs get rescued from the South Korean dog meat trade each year. These doggies need homes to go to.  


Not everyone can take a dog in, but donating is an impactful way to help those who don’t cost a lot of time or commitment. Presenting means helping these rescued dogs get healthy and covering their costs, such as transportation and running the organization. Speaking from their experience, the vet experts at  Bond Vet Hospital share about treating rescued dogs from Korean and Indonesian meat farms, brought in by the volunteer organizations in 2020 and 2021.

Even though we treat the survivors, it is not at all easier to digest the fact about terrifying conditions, chained cages, squalid living conditions, and the harsh truth behind the meat trade. These dogs escaped death and were provided full-scale veterinary care and rehabilitation before offering shelters through Rescue Partners. Likewise, many Humane Societies and animal hospitals are open to providing medical care for the same. 

Become a Courier 

The most hands-on approach you can take is to become a courier. This means flying from several cities all around the U.S. to typically Seoul, Korea, to pick up the dogs that are being rescued in partnerships with companies like Jindo Love Rescue. All expenses are entirely paid for, and the trips are relatively quick despite longer trips depending on your original location. 

Outreach and Advocacy

One of the best ways to stop the dog meat trade is to speak up about it. Joining political campaigns to ban the dog meat trade is a great start. South Korea has an ambiguous law that doesn’t enforce or restrict the dog meat trade. We can encourage the change of regulations in our own countries to neighboring countries for pandemic concerns. Even something as simple as a simple conversation with friends and family can result in someone else wanting to get involved through adoption, donation, or more! 

Not Turning a Blind Eye

Fortunately, many of us do not have encountered such animal cruelty in our lifetimes as the U.S. has more strict and enforced laws. But when we look at our puppies and furry friends, it’s important to remember that many dogs suffer in Asia. It’s an important cause that deserves our attention both morally and because of severe threats to humans through transmittable diseases. 

There are many ways to get involved, as we see above. Unfortunately, not every solution is suitable for everyone as some families may be more fit to adopt a dog while others may only be able to provide financial donations. But don’t feel you can’t do anything because even talking about the issue and raising awareness can create a significant impact. 

Don’t wait to get involved! Start today to help end the dog meat trade in Asia!