Instagram, the most popular social media application of recent times, offers new features to its users to have more fun. The “Add You Too” feature, which was added to increase the interaction between accounts, has managed to gain the appreciation of users.
Thanks to this new feature used by many accounts, accounts share common posts with each other. They can collect their posts around certain topics under the same template. Along with the add yourself feature, the question of how to share someone else’s story on Instagram is also a matter of curiosity. We have compiled all the curiosities about the Instagram share someone else’s story, that is, the add yourself feature. High-quality followers are from real-looking virtual accounts. Real followers are from real, active accounts with real posts and followers.
What is Instagram’s Add You Feature?
You can also increase your account interaction with the Add You Too feature, which has become one of the most trendy trends of the Instagram application. The question of how to use Instagram is asked by many users. Instagram’s new feature, the add you too sticker, allows users to share images and videos.
You can also join this trend in your stories using templates created by any account or ready-made templates. Users’ shares are collected under the same sticker thanks to the “Add to You” feature. You can add stickers about any landscape photo, location or any subject. You can come together with users who share the same ground with you.
What is the Use of the Add Your Own Feature?
The Add You feature is also known as sharing someone else’s Instagram story . Thanks to this fun trend that many Instagram users have recently joined, it has become much easier to increase account interaction. This new feature that you can use in the Instagram story section can actually be explained as an effect and sticker.
By entering the feature, you can choose the sticker or template that appeals to you and share the theme you want. With the new Instagram feature, Add You Too, you can share under the same sticker with many users and create fun stories.
As much as the question of how to share someone else’s story on Instagram, the use of the “Add You” feature is also wondered. With this feature, you have the chance to view the stories of other users you do not follow. Similarly, you can allow people who do not follow you to access your story and gain more organic followers.
The “Add You Too” feature is the most effective method for users to keep their account interaction at a maximum level within the application. You can also use the add you too feature to gain new followers and attract the attention of other accounts. Moreover, you can create your own “Add You To” template and interact more and gain followers.
Contents That Can Be Used in the Add Your Own Feature
Instead of sharing someone else’s Instagram story, you can create your own add-you-too sticker. You can produce content related to thousands of different themes to create an add-you-too template. You can start a new trend with a visual you will share in the office environment. You can gather other users who share with you in the office environment under the add-you-too sticker and create a new story sharing chain.
You can create a template by adding images or videos about nature sharing, sports, coffee and book sharing, vacation, abroad or any topic you want. Thanks to the tag you will prepare, you can ensure that the accounts you share common shares with are included in your template.
You can also use ready-made templates to try the add feature. You can use this feature to see what other users are doing and to reach users who have the same tastes as you.