What A Road Trip Can Teach You About Yourself

February 12, 2019 | Posted at 12:25 pm | by Rebecca (Follow User)

Road trips are becoming increasingly popular in the travel and tourism industry; especially with young people. They can be a rite of passage for many young people who want to get out and explore the world; you’re sure to see and explore many things that you didn’t even know existed before you jumped in your RV!

There are many incredible lessons that can be learned on a road trip; here are just some of the best ones.

You get to know yourself much better

Starting with an obvious point, but one thing you’ll learn about yourself on a road trip is that you’ll simply get to know yourself better.

You’ll get the chance to focus solely on your own wellbeing, without the distractions of modern-day life. A long road trip along the Pacific Coast of America will give you plenty of time to reflect on yourself and think about yourself without ever feeling selfish for doing so.

It teaches you to be present

It teaches you to be present

One of the most important lessons you can learn on a road trip is to simply be present. If you’re cruising along Route 66, then there’ll probably be miles of road ahead of you with not much to see or do.

However, it’s during these moments (and of course, when you’re surrounded by beautiful scenery) that it’s important to be present. Remember to be grateful for what you’ve achieved so far, as well as all the incredible things to come.

Being present while on a road trip is one of the most invaluable takeaways you can obtain; the world is so vast and full of so much wonder and so it’s important to step back sometimes and just reflect on your surroundings, what you’ve achieved and how amazing the world truly is.

You’ll discover that you’re more patient than you think

Another thing you’ll inevitably be taught on a road trip is that you have much more patience than you may have first thought.

While a road trip is undeniably some of the most fun you’ll ever have, it’s not always without its issues and disruptions. You may be faced with an unexpected empty gas tank (always make sure you fill up before enduring long distances!), and you may be hit with road works, construction and traffic. Your RV may even break down or you’ll get lost in the middle of nowhere; but the important lesson to take from these incidents is to remain patient and be prepared as much as possible.

You’ll realise you don’t need as much stuff as you think

While it’s always better to be prepared when embarking on a road trip, one of the best lessons you can teach yourself is that you really don’t need as much ‘stuff’ as you might think.

This applies to clothes, cosmetics, and items that are scattered around your house gathering dust because they’ve never been used; once you go off on a road trip, you’ll realise that you don’t need nearly as many materialistic items as you might think.

This is a great lesson that can be taken home with you after your road trip; you might be inspired to completely declutter your home when you get back as the road trip has taught you the importance of experiences over things.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing to want to have plenty of possessions, but it is a great thing that a road trip can teach you that you really don’t need an abundance of clothes or makeup to make you happy. Happiness can be found at the side of the road, with your RV parked up and you looking up at the stars.

You’ll be taught gratitude

You’ll be taught gratitude

While a road trip may teach you that you don’t need as many belongings as possible, it will also teach you the importance of being grateful for what you have.

On your trip, you may drive passed some areas that are less well-off than you; you’ll likely see people who have very little at all (particularly if you’re embarking on a road trip in the likes of India, Cambodia or Thailand). This means you’ll learn the importance of being grateful for what you do have; whether it’s your physical possessions or just the fact that you’re lucky to live in a respectable area, surrounded by friends and family.


Embarking on a road trip can teach you so many invaluable lessons about yourself. You’ll learn how to be patient when things inevitably go wrong, you’ll learn gratitude and you’ll learn how to be more present.

Provided that you’re always safe on the roads; you’re equipped with the right insurance, you’ve invested in (or rented) a safe and suitable RV (make sure to check the obvious things, like the breaks and the safety of the furniture, but also make sure the RV waste tank is in order) and make sure that you take plenty of rest stops, then a road trip experience really can be life changing!