Stress Less. Here Are 28 Ways To Manage College, Like A Boss

February 25, 2016 | Posted at 6:53 pm | by Bella (Follow User)


Set goals for yourself that you want to fulfill so you know what to aim towards.


Decide to become the kind of student you want to be, and develop into that person.


Step away from distractions. Repeat, step away.


Get involved on campus to get to know people, build that resume, and fully absorb the college experience.


Don’t beat up on yourself when things don’t go your way.


Make sure to schedule appointments with your TA or professor to check on your progress.


And take time to get to know your professor or TA so that they can write future recommendations for you.


Use each day to some work for each class, so you do not get behind.


Take time to meet with your advisor to make sure you are on the right track.


Handle your time wisely.


When you get a bad grade, don’t sulk over it. Figure out why by talking with your professor.


Plan in advance for assignments. It’s not worth it to wait until the last minute.


Take time to chill with friends and have fun. You deserve it.


Get to class on time, for once.


Always take time to get the help that you need. That’s what tutors are there for.


Don’t always study in your room. Go to the library to get more focused.


Make sure that calendar of yours is together so you can plan the right way.


Meet with people in your class so that you don’t feel alone in getting through it.


Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize. ‘Nough said.


Use your weekends in the best way.


Get your internship list together immediately for the summer and start building connections.


Connect with alumni or people who are doing what you want to do. Great for the job search later.


Make the decision to only hang out with people who lift you higher. Ain’t nobody got time for the others.


Stay true to yourself and your goals.


Take time to see a counselor on campus, if you are stressed and need some encouragement.


Alway believe in yourself, despite anything that’s telling you otherwise.


Tell yourself that you are committed to studying and doing what it takes to succeed in your classes this semester.


Decide that you are the pilot, not the passenger in this college journey. You can handle it all.