Ways To Inspire Your Kids To Be More Physically Active

September 1, 2021 | Posted at 2:20 am | by Mike (Follow User)

With so many electronic gadgets distracting kids from the outdoor fun, you can easily end up having a child who lacks physical activity. If you’ve allowed them to enjoy too much T.V. and video games while they’re still very little, chances are they won’t be too interested in sports and spending time outside on the playground. However, there are ways for you to prevent your kids from turning into couch potatoes and instead, motivate them to engage in more physical activity. Check out what you can do to inspire your kids to be more physically active.

Set an example

One of the most important steps in inspiring our kids to be more active is to set an example. Kids will always look up to their parents and copy their behavior. That is especially true for young children who spend most of their time surrounded by adults. Therefore, be a good role model for your children and teach them how to lead an active life early on. That way they’ll develop a healthy heart and lungs. Ride a bicycle to work and run errands on foot or on a bike rather than driving. Go for regular walks, runs, or to the gym. Show them that swimming is not only fun but also healthy for their posture, and overall health too. The more you do, the more they’ll want to learn about and eventually follow in your footsteps.


Find stuff to do together

People who are physically active are less likely to develop chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. That alone is good enough a reason to motivate your kids to get up and start breaking a sweat. Kids love to spend time with their parents, so why not make the most of it and do something together. If you have a backyard and you love dabbling around the garden, let your little one be your helper and bring water or play next to you in the fresh air. Let them help around with sweeping when you’re cleaning out the yard. Feel free to give them any task that’s appropriate for their age. If you have a dog, bring your little one with you when you’re taking it out for a walk. It’ll be a great quality time spent with your kid and you’ll both be active.


Have them know of different environments

Separation anxiety hits every parent. However, you can’t prevent your child’s growth because of your fears and insecurities. In spite of you having trouble sending your kid to a nursery or finding child care for them, you should still offer them new experiences. Spending time with other kids will help them be confident and feel like they belong. They’ll also be relaxed and sleep well after a full day of vigorous activities. Enrolling them into a professional West Ryde child care facility will be very beneficial for your child. They’ll learn more, have a chance to socialize and be physically active in a safe environment. Not only will they play more and be active more, but they’ll make more friends than if you kept them at home with you.


Always set boundaries

Every child needs to be aware of their rights and their duties. While playing may seem like something they’re entitled to, they should know that it can sometimes be taken away from them. Teach them that only after they’ve done their homework and reached a daily milestone of physical activity can they play their favorite game. Positive reinforcement has been shown to be a very beneficial technique in children’s upbringing, so give it a shot. Also, make sure your kids spend more time outdoors than in front of the tv. Entice them by getting some playground items for the backyard, or play sports with them together. Their brain will develop vital connections, leading to improved concentration and thinking skills after being physically active on a regular basis.


Sign them up for sports

Many kids tend to be reluctant when asked whether they’d like to try out basketball, football, or some other sport. Sign them up regardless, and have them go to a few practices. There’s a 50:50 chance they’ll like it or that they’ll tell you they want out. If they don’t like it, try something else. Be persistent and try to find a sport that your kid will really enjoy. Being physically active will help your children develop healthy bones, muscles, and joints. Their coordination, strength, and muscle control will improve. On top of that, your kids will maintain a healthy body weight.


Final thoughts

Physical activity is essential for a child’s development. Not only will their body be healthier but their mind as well. The more physically active they are the better their heart and lungs will develop and their body weight will be normal. They’ll focus better and be more confident. Therefore, find any way to inspire your little one to run and play outside more so that tomorrow they can be happy, healthy, and witty.

Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business, and marketing and is a regular contributor on several websites.