Life’s Not A Competition: 7 Ways To Get Out Of Your Own “Mental” Race

September 29, 2015 | Posted at 2:17 am | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

Get out of your own way.

Yeah, we know it’s easier said than done. When it comes to life, many times we are the ones who are in our way. We compare ourselves to every person (who we believe) is living the quote on quote better life. The grass is greener on the other side kind-of-life.

But the reality is everyone has issues –we just may not know about them. No one is living the perfect life. So instead of comparing ourselves with everyone, why don’t we start focusing on ourselves? Here are 11 ways you can get out of your own ‘mind’ race:

1. Stop thinking other people are better off than you. Instead, practice an attitude of gratitude.

(Photo: Siri Stafford/ Thinsktock)

(Photo: Siri Stafford/ Thinsktock)


2. Stop trying to outdo everyone. Put your attention towards surpassing your own goals.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


3. Stop focusing on your competition. Stay focused on your lane.

(Photo: Hemera Technologies/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Hemera Technologies/ Thinkstock)


4. Stop thinking about your flaws. Enhance your strengths.

(Photo: Thinkstock)

(Photo: Thinkstock)


5. Stop living in the yesterday’s and the tomorrow’s. Live for now.

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


6. Stop beating up on yourself. Find ways to empower yourself.

(Photo: iStockphoto)

(Photo: iStockphoto)


7. Stop focusing on everything against. Stay focused on everything that is for you.

(Photo: Yuri Arcurs, Hemera/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Yuri Arcurs, Hemera/ Thinkstock)