Ways to Get in Shape Without Visiting the Gym

January 28, 2019 | Posted at 1:13 pm | by Audrey (Follow User)

There never seems to be enough hours in a day for us to finish all the tasks we set our minds to housework, schoolwork, deadlines in the office, grocery shopping, socializing, watching our favorite TV show, going to the gym… When you feel like you’ve been pressed for time to finish everything you have planned for the day, it can be easy to put off some of your ‘less important’ plans, such as going to the gym. If you’re looking for ways to get and stay in shape without necessarily visiting the gym, read on to discover ways you can do so:

Go for an evening walk

After a long day at the office, the last thing you need would be a strenuous workout, or so you might think at the moment. It’s been proven that an evening workout is much more effective than a morning one, and you will feel more relaxed afterward. You don’t have to do anything too demanding, a simple evening walk to clear your mind will be enough. You can make a habit out of it, walking for 15 minutes after dinner will help boost your metabolism and improve your mood.


Walk a pet

Sometimes people need a reason to go out for a walk, and that’s perfectly fine. If you’re one of the people who doesn’t like to wander around idly but would like to be more active, you can always take your pet out for a walk. On the other hand, if you don’t have a pet, you can always talk to one of your neighbors and offer to take their pets out for a walk every once in a while. Some days they might be too busy to do it themselves or too tired, and your offer would save them a lot of time. You can also browse the web in search of people who are in such situations and who need someone willing to take their pets out for a walk.

Involve your friends

Working out in pairs and groups always gives better results because you motivate, support, and encourage each other to keep going and do your best. You don’t have to join the gym to be able to exercise with your friends. Instead, you can invite them for an evening walk (or a jog) around the block or to a nearby park. Make it a ritual and repeat it two or three times a week and you will soon notice that you’re spending quality time with the people you love but at the same time, you’re getting in shape.


Ride a bike together

As we already mentioned, being active in pairs is much more effective when you’re trying to get back in shape. There are people, however, who aren’t fans of jogging and long walks, but who like to ride their bikes everywhere. If this is the case with you too, you would do well to get onto one of those convenient tandem bikes and go for a ride instead of a jog. It can also be romantic: you can pack a picnic basket and take a big blanket with you so you can sit down and enjoy fresh fruit and sandwiches after your ride.

Work out at home

If you’re a fan of circuit training and working with different equipment such as weights and elastic bands, you might think that the only way to get a good workout is to go to the gym, but it isn’t exactly the case. You can buy the equipment you need, but you can also improvise: fill plastic bottles with water and use them as weights, use chairs instead of bars for support, or spice up your housework with a sew series of squats or planks. This way you will save time and money on gym membership, but you’ll still manage to work out like a pro.


Do yoga

Yoga is amazing and it can do a lot for our mind and body alike. People choose to take up yoga for various reasons: they want to become stronger, they need to improve their flexibility, they focus on getting in shape, or they just need some time alone with their thoughts, and yoga allows them to do just that. The fact about yoga that makes so many people fall in love with it is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need fancy and expensive equipment: a yoga mat or even a plain towel will suffice, and of course, non-restrictive clothes that make you feel comfortable.

Take up dancing lessons

Another fantastic way to work out without actually feeling that you’re doing so is to take up dancing lessons. Not only will this be a chance to learn a new skill and improve your posture, but you’ll also get a chance to meet a lot of people and form new friendships. In addition to improved posture and something called ‘dancer’s legs’ that makes women proud and restores their self-confidence. The best thing is that, while you’re trying to keep up with the others and to memorize all the new steps, you won’t even notice you’re working out.

Depending on the result you desire to see and how soon you want to see it, you might want to incorporate into your daily routine more than one of the tips we suggested in this article. Remember that there aren’t any shortcuts and miracles when it comes to getting in shape – it takes a lot of hard work and plenty of effort, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.