5 Thoughts On How To Stop Limiting Yourself And Limiting Other People

February 20, 2016 | Posted at 3:30 pm | by Nicole (Follow User)

Have you ever been locked inside a cardboard box you can’t get out of? Or how about locked in a room full of people you don’t really fit in with?

That’s what a label feels like and people do it all the time!

Most people put others in a box because they expect a certain behavior or action from them based on their personal perception of that person. It is not of your concern when someone slaps a label on your forehead and you do not “follow” their expectations. Only you have the right to put yourself in box because only you know your real self. If you allow other people to put you in a box, then you are denying who you are and giving them power over you.

Putting yourself into a box is not always a bad idea. Just be sure to fill it with the things and people that you want around you. My advice is to make sure your box has a retractable top. Leave it open when the sun shines and let possibility flow through the rays.

When unexpected weather (i.e people) is nearing, just close it. Simple enough? Protect your box. Also, make sure you have a back door. Sometimes we need to escape into the outside world to reground ourselves. Cardboard is slightly depressing so make sure to build a glass box– with curtains of course. You reveal what you want, when you want.

Here are a few tips to ensure you don’t allow people to play the box game:

1) Silence your mind and let your thoughts rush in and out.

Hear what your thoughts say and write them down. Dissect your thoughts as they pass through your eyes. Get rid of the unwanted and the unnecessary and embrace the extraordinary realizations that you come to during your silence time. A clear mind makes the best decisions.

2) Make your choices align with your soul.

Don’t make a choice just because someone else told you it was the right one. Silence your mind and be sure that the choice is right FOR YOU!

3) Glide on your respect, not your ego.

When you respect yourself, others will respect you. Respect comes when people can see that you have defined yourself and you are comfortable in your box. Some will try to burn your box down– well, glass doesn’t burn easily.

4) Know who you really are.

When you can agree with this, nobody can touch you.

5) Treat people the way you would want to be treated.

The point is, if you put yourself into a box, make sure that it’s box that you really want to be in. Build your own box. Know who you are. Respect the other boxes. Support each other. And most of all, love other people. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Because although we can want the world for someone and have the highest of expectations for them, it’s not our job to judge or label a person. We have to respect that they too have expectations for themselves that just may not align with yours. Let’s stop limiting ourselves and limiting other people.