The Silhouette Of Self-Esteem: Uniforms And Their Impact On Body Image

June 20, 2024 | Posted at 1:16 pm | by Angela (Follow User)

Self-esteem and body image have always correlated with one another. Each year that goes by, women’s bodies continue to take a granular lens of scrutiny. Before, it was photoshopped magazine covers and billboards of the rich and famous. Now, we have social media, where everyone can access image and video-editing software. Something that isn’t talked about as much is how uniforms impact women’s bodies and self-esteem, both positively and negatively. There are a few reasons for this that may go unnoticed, so let’s talk about them!

Why Are Uniforms Introduced? 

When the word uniform comes to mind, many think of school systems that implement them. Uniforms became popular for schools in the 1990s as a way to enforce school culture and denote school violence. 

Alternatively, some workplaces today enforce the same policy for similar reasons. Others take a different stance on enforcing a dress code as it allows one to express individuality. The debate has always been about whether uniforms do more harm than good. 

– Positives To Women Wearing Uniforms

Wearing uniform isn’t all bad. In fact, the intention behind them was for good reasons. Here are some of the ways a uniform can be helpful in many scenarios. 

– Commonality Between Women

Sometimes, if a uniform is chosen correctly, women will find it harder to compare themselves to one another. This provides common ground for women and their bodies. In some environments, clothing, if not appropriate, can feel like a distraction. Having a school or workplace-approved uniform eliminates that. 

– A Way to Bond

Uniforms aren’t always the cutest. However, it can be a good time to lightly poke fun at them. This can provide a sense of relief and humor for any of the women or girls who are wearing them. 

– A Sense of Order

A uniform is a way to signal what levels of expectation an organization has for the employee or the school. Often uniforms can signal class and higher education. In the work environment, in can also eliminate potential cases for workplace harassment or HR compliance issues. 

Drawbacks To Women Wearing Uniforms 

Interestingly enough, the argument is best seen through the lens of a woman. Almost all of the drawbacks have a negative influence on self-esteem and body image. Here’s why. 

– Lack Of Expression

Individuality is a beautiful thing. Self-expression for women often comes through fashion, makeup, and other beauty vices. It’s a way of expressing personality, whether that’s consistent or dressing for a certain mood. 

Taking away individualism can dampen women’s self-esteem and confidence. It can signal messaging that fitting in and looking like everyone else is important. It also signals that not looking like everyone else can be out of the norm. 

– Body Shame

Inadvertently uniforms can create body shame. Being able to dress for your body type is incredibly important for a woman. Some women may prefer to have clothes that don’t hug their curves. Other women may want to emphasize certain body parts. 

Uniforms don’t fit everyone the same way and may create body-conscious women and girls. If uniforms are a must for a job or school, it’s a good idea to vocalize if you need a different size for a more comfortable fit. 

Doesn’t Completely Eliminate Comparison

While uniforms are meant to make everyone feel equal or the same, they can actually have the opposite effect. Uniforms can point out how different bodies fit in. This can be particularly difficult for girls going through puberty when their bodies are changing at different paces. 

Younger girls naturally may have less emotional intelligence about how their actions can really damage another girl’s confidence. While this certainly happens with adult women, younger girls may have a harder time coping with the situation. 

How to Work With a Uniform

When an uniform isn’t an option, there are some ways to work with it to lessen the drawbacks. Aside from having conversations with the one who is issuing them, consider these options. 

– Provide Different Uniform Options

Not all uniforms are bad. When given different school clothes and uniforms for girls, it can have intended effect to promote equality correctly. This addresses the ability for a female to dress the way they are most comfortable while also providing some formal uniform. 

– Accessorize

Accessorizing a uniform is the perfect way to combat feelings of blending in the crowd. It also can be a great way to draw attention away from a certain area. Jewelry is one way to do this in a subtle yet classy way. 

Bigger and bolder jewelry can help make a larger statement. Bangles, scrunchies. And large necklaces are a few options. A fun belt is also a great addition that can work with pants, skirts, or even dresses! 

– Add Color Where You Can

Color isn’t the easiest thing to incorporate but we have a few options to do so. Shoes are the easiest way to bring your favorite color into the mix. Another option is a hat or scarf if you are allowed to wear them. 

Colors don’t always need to be bright and bold. However, it is a good idea to incorporate complementary colors. This can help self-esteem and boost positive feelings. 

– Impactful for All Ages

Regardless of whether you are in grade school or an adult wearing a uniform, the consequences can be impactful. It’s not always an option to rid of the uniform, but having meaningful conversations with the right people can help with mentality. 

Understanding the purpose intended for the uniform can help ease the anxiety and tension that comes with wearing one. It also allows for the opportunity to make it more personal and individual.