
Being Uncomfortable For God

Doing the right thing is not always easy. In fact, living for God is not the most comfortable and highly sought after lifestyles. It is very difficult and often comes with many challenges as you try to live in a way that is pleasing to God. Yet, in this piece, you’ll find out why we should embrace being uncomfortable for God as we strive to live for Him.

By: Nachae' Jones

Skip The ‘Normal’ Route to Success. Create Your Own Success On Your Own Terms

A new trend is becoming more popular: make your own success– literally on your own. This route is often categorized: The Indie Appeal. Certainly, the road less traveled often comes with a lot of struggle and harsh challenges.Yet, this column reveals that even with these obstacles, many people still seem to find that it brings them the greatest self-fulfillment and unmatchable success.

By: Angel Mills