
Are We Adoring Celebrities Too Much?

The idea of idolization dates back to kings and royalty, but many believe in today’s time it has somehow transcended onto entertainers. In this piece, one of our contributors analyzes how some entertainers are tweaking their music and their morals just to garner popularity.

By: Peggy Men

Tech Is NOT Ruining Our Lives

Technological advancements have always been daunting, especially now that they continue to come so frequently. But with so much focus on their potential negative effects, it seems as if their benefits can sometimes go overlooked.

By: Gabriela Amaral

How Am I Lookin’?

When we look into the mirror, we see our “physical” selves. We usually try so much to change or improve whatever it is that we don’t like. Yet, unfortunately, we regularly fail to look at ourselves and improve who we are spiritually. But, even in our “spiritual” ugliness, God can use His love to change us.

By: Nachae' Jones

God Always Has The Final Say

Are you just about to give up on your dreams? Well, God says to hold on just a little bit longer! Your breakthrough is on the way! By listening to this beautiful song called It Ain’t Over by Gospel Singer Maurette Brown Clark, you will be inspired to never lose your faith and to never stop in trying to pursue your dreams.

By: Ashley M. Williams