Type of Vertical Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

March 6, 2024 | Posted at 11:51 am | by Melissa (Follow User)

The future of farming relies heavily on indoor agriculture, where the climate can be controlled, and the production of organic foods is more accessible. For those who have small spaces, though, and want to cultivate a garden, using hydroponics, vertical gardening is a growing concept and one of the best options.

The future of agritech has presented the notion that farmers can reap significant benefits with indoor, vertical farming. Besides a controlled environment, crops can be grown in smaller spaces and pose a considerable reduction in the use of emissions from farming equipment and little use of water.

So, how can you make the most of your smaller spaces with vertical gardening? Below are some of the best vertical gardening ideas that you can start to utilize within your tiny space.

What is Vertical Gardening?

Before looking at the different ways you can use vertical gardening, you should have a clear understanding of what it is. Vertical gardening is a way to bring herbs, flowers, crops, and other plants usually grown outdoors into the home. The plants are then displayed and raised in an upward or “vertical” fashion. 

It works because you create the plants’ growth and the space you use is mainly the walls within your home. You can also use planters, hanging pots, window boxes, or shelving to create some eye-catching decor to go with your vertical garden. If you are creative and love interior design, you can let your creativity flow while developing organic foods and beautiful plants in your unique area. The key is making use of the space that is there without overflowing it or creating any restrictions.

These ideas are suggestions, and you can develop your own inspiration to create a vertical gardening masterpiece. There are so many reasons you should consider making and growing plants within your home, including some surprising health benefits.

Mason Jar Herb Garden

Lovely addition to your kitchen would be a mason jar herb garden right on the wall for easy access and grabbing as you grow.

The best part about this type of gardening is you can stack up as many different herbs that you’d like, and the mason jars provide a great template for you to label your herbs, so you know exactly what is where.

You can also opt to utilize landscaping fabric or something like a shoe storage bag canvas material if you want your herbs more flush against the wall to not stick out from so much. That option may be more helpful if you have a lot of littles running around the home, so there’s no risk of breaking the jars.

Vine Wall Trellis

You can quickly create beautiful wall art with this simple trellis-style vertical garden for any of your ivy plants or foods that grow on vines. Vines grow upwards already, so this is an excellent option for saving space and keeping all your plants growing right on the wall.

Find ways to make the garden more appealing and part of your interior design, such as the photos clipped around the vines shown here. Many of these options are easy, cheap, and very low maintenance to ensure that your vertical garden stays lush and spectacular in your home.

Mounted Shelving or Box Gardens

An easy way to increase your garden space is by creating boxes or shelves mounted to a wall. You may even already have some built-ins in the tiny spaces that you can utilize to create a garden.

You take the restrictions out of the confinement of the area, and you also create a practical use for beautiful plants, herbs, or crops to grow. If you don’t already have built-ins, this type of shelving can easily be built with or without boxes for the plants without needing a lot of materials. It is an excellent option for small spaces and to make a rather drab wall have an exciting look.

Hanging Planter Garden

If you enjoy having the pots for your plants to grow in, you can create them vertically by hanging them all from just one location and staggering their lengths. Then, you can paint the pots different colors to correspond with your home’s design, use a rope to hang them for added effect or add more decor. You may even want to hook them to a wooden pallet, as seen above.

You should use smaller hanging planters and look for plants that can grow outward and downward so that you do not have to worry about the pot becoming too small for the plant. Of course, like with any planters, too, you have to remember to harvest and remove/replant as needed.

Recycled Bottles

One last great option for creating a vertical garden within your home while also helping your environment is these simple planters made with empty bottles filled with soil and hung. You can also string them together on one line and use the vertical space that way. 

DIY Your Own Vertical Garden

With a little bit of effort, you can quickly bring the outside inside with these great vertical gardening ideas. To save space, make sure you utilize all of the space allotted to create your vertical garden masterpiece and enjoy fresh herbs, vegetables, and other lovely plants. 

Vertical gardens provide us with healthy choices in the form of foods at home. They also provide your home with more oxygen, creating more endorphins to make you feel good and help relieve stress. So start thinking of ways to convert your small space into a wall of art that is both useful and beautiful with your own vertical garden.