Trust Your Struggle: That’s How I Found Strength In Mine

March 18, 2016 | Posted at 1:11 am | by Shane (Follow User)

If you’re reading this, you’re probably going through something right now that’s making you question everything. Question yourself.

Question your choices.

Question your life.

You’re probably really questioning, why you’re in the situation in the situation that you’re in. But I’m writing you to tell you to stay calm. Begin to… trust your struggle.

Truthfully, I just started getting calm in mine.

Essentially, I’ve begun holding onto this notion that life is a process. A process that’s molding you and shaping you into who you will become. It never always goes as you wish. I’m starting to accept that life never exactly goes according to your plans. It’s a process to a destination. You have to trust each part of that process. And, you have to learn to trust each of your struggles in that process.

There’s something else that is happening along with your struggle, and it’s happening for you. It’s something for you that you’re supposed to take from that struggle. Consequently, your struggle and everything works for your good. Nothing just happens to you. Life is happening for you. I’ve begun to trust in something greater than myself. For me, this is God. For you, it might be something else. In my life, trusting God has allowed me to trust that there is a reason that He is allowing me to go through the struggles that I am in that moment of my life. There is a reason. There is something that He is doing within me, something that is necessary for me to learn, or something that He is preparing me for that I may just not know yet.

Trusting my struggles has been the greatest power move for me. It stopped me from taking control. It stopped me from wanting to be in control. It stopped me from myself. I could finally breathe. Let go, let God. Let life. I just surrendered to it all, telling God whatever it is that you want to do in me, do it. I don’t know what I need. I don’t know what I don’t know. And as much as I hate this struggle, as much as I hate this discomfort, as much as I hate not knowing, I told Him that I’m going to give this over to Him. Because I’m tired of trying to understand everything. I’m tired of trying to fix everything. I’m tired of being overwhelmed.

I’m tired of struggling. I’m tired of letting my struggles define me. I’m tired of being tired.

Then, the peace happened.

Then, the calm happened.

Then, my life really happened.

Struggles are greater than you because of what they can do for you and because of how you can use them to save someone, change someone, encourage someone, inspire someone, and comfort someone. Again, I want to encourage you to trust your struggles. There’s more to them than meets your eye and your feelings. There’s much more. Release them and know eventually you will overcome them. You will survive them and thrive after them, taking with you the lessons that you didn’t even know that you needed. Get calm. Trust your struggles.