Traveling Through The Airport? Here Are 4 Things You Didn’t Know Could Make It Interesting

January 5, 2015 | Posted at 2:53 am | by Sharareh (Follow User)

I’ve literally been traveling around before I was even born…seriously.

My mom flew with me in her tummy, and then soon enough I was on planes when I was barely a year old. Therefore, you can understand why traveling, specifically traveling by air, has become something I’m pretty accustomed to doing.

My dad has taken my siblings and I on many of his business trips. A goal of his has always been that his children see every state in America and as many other countries too.

There are only a few states that I haven’t been to and I am working on that! My parents’ passion for my sister, brother and I to “have culture” and be globally aware really rubbed off on me. Thus, I think traveling, flying, road trips… all of it… are experiences we all should be able to have at some point.

Therefore, just for you, I thought I’d put together some interesting observations that I have made while traveling and specifically through airports:


1. Indulge In Airport Delicacies


I get so excited when I arrive at the airport early. Why?  Well, who wants to get there LATE obviously. Secondly, and this REALLY applies to when I’m flying solo, I like to engage in all the unique behaviors and actions that only an airport can bring out. You do things you’d never do with a friend or even where you live… It’s only at the airport.

I’ll actually eat something from McDonald’s or feast at a Chili’s To-Go/Express, read a tabloid and care about the story, buy an overpriced pair of headphones or seat pillow. If I am feeling really adventurous and have the time, I’ll get on the bus or train and ride from terminal to terminal and maybe pretend I’m some famous actress or wealthy trust fund kid, creating an accent for more punch. 


2. Separated Couples And Families Will, Without Fail, Ask For Your Seat!

Tim Gouw


Um…select your seats ahead of time and personally, I like the aisle. You don’t have to push over anyone to get out to go to the bathroom or take a walk and stretch.

Also, I am not a fan of letting someone come by and ask for my seat once I have paid and planned for that specific spot just so they can have comfort and happiness. Plan ahead of time yourself.

Call me rude, selfish – I see it as being a responsible, prepared person. Trust me, I have been in situations with my family when our seats were all over the place and we just dealt with it. It’s a plane. No one is going anywhere different. We all get in, we all go up in the air, and then we touch down and end up at the same place.


3. Dress For Comfort BUT Don’t Look Ridiculous.

My mother always made the security checkpoint her runway…then regretted it. She’d walk in with heels, sunglasses, gold hoop earrings, designer dress and all…and then take nearly an hour taking everything off, going through security, and putting it all back on again. SO that being said — you should try to dress for comfort and ease but this does not mean the airport is your bedroom.

Pajamas, slippers, crazy hair. I mean if you really, absolutely do not care all right then. At least have some deodorant on or something. You’re about to be stuck really close to other people who do not want to deal with your poor hygiene.

The good in-between,  just right airport outfit? Loose-fitting jeans or relaxing shorts (but be careful, your plane could become an icebox), a soft t-shirt, and maybe a good jacket or hoodie. Definitely some flip-flops or easy to take-off and put-on again shoes.


4. Don’t Drink / Talk To People On The Plane.


I cannot stress enough how much of a dark, scary path this is. Even if those drinks are complimentary – stay away. I’d only suggest drinking a lot or chatting if the person sitting next to you is someone you know and are good with. Yet even then, remember how long your flight is and that there is NO…ESCAPE. For you or your plane companion(s).

Maybe you can go hide in the bathroom the whole flight but then people may think you’re up to something. Anyway, just don’t do it. You are going up in the air and getting a little light-headed anyways so adding alcohol and a confined space – not the best mixture. You do not want everyone on that flight to learn about your ex, how many places you’ve traveled to, what you ate there, how you like your coffee, etc. 

And with alcohol, it all becomes fuzzier and weirder…

Anyways, just enjoy your next trip to the airport and I hope you’ll have a better experience with these tips.