Travel Lifestyle: Perfect Career Choices for Frequent Travellers

September 28, 2022 | Posted at 5:15 am | by Mark (Follow User)

As time goes by our world becomes smaller and smaller and smaller. So much so that globalization, the rise of remote work technology, safer and more affordable ways of travel, and the opening of national turned traveling from a novelty into a genuine lifestyle. As a result, the number of professional nomads who don’t have a permanent address but instead prefer spending their lives on the road only keeps growing.

Still, we have to admit that, as exciting as this lifestyle choice can be, frequent travelers also present various challenges, mostly career-wise.

However, developing your career doesn’t have to come at the expense of the ability to roam the world. Let us take a look at some of the best employment options that should allow you to get the best of these two worlds and develop a successful career on the go.

Flight attendants

This option will literally put you in the position where you will spend most time traveling. And, despite the media’s somewhat casual portrayal of the sector, providing routine flight services requires extensive training, a great level of commitment, and meticulous habits. But, if you are ready to deal with these sorts of challenges you will get a very well-paid job and become a true citizen of the world spending pleasant days in between flights in countless cities scattered around the globe. You will also get benefits for family and friends, hotel discounts, the opportunity to meet interesting new people, and tons of similar perks.

Professional tour guiding

Much like in the previous example, becoming a tour guide literally makes traveling your profession. But, in this case, instead of catering to people’s needs, you will provide them with useful info, spill out fun facts about the places you are going to visit, spend the majority of your time at some of the most popular tourist locations around the world, and, overall, come into position to share your love for travel with others. On the other hand, being a tour guide requires that you have a way with people, love history and that you are a resourceful person. But, if you meet these conditions, this option is definitely worth exploring.

Trade finance agent

This is probably the option that will open up most career paths further down the road. If you are unfamiliar with this term, trade finance services present one form of third-party financial mediation between international buyers and exporters where financing services are used to overcome cash flow financial hiccups, financial bottlenecks, and similar deadlock situations. So, if you decide to start a career in this specific branch you won’t only get an opportunity to visit some of the biggest business hubs in the world, but also demonstrate your skills and expand your professional network beyond national borders.

Foreign-service officers

This career path will give you an opportunity to spend a lot of time on the road while still putting your skills in the service of your country. Essentially, the job of a foreign-service officer is very similar to that of a professional diplomat. But, in this case, you don’t really need a political background and you will deal with some lower-priority, more procedural tasks distributing disaster aid, regulating migration, and sorting out procedural issues. Also, the engagements on these tasks usually last for a couple of years, so you will still get the opportunity to travel the world, but this time at a more leisurely pace.

International humanitarian worker

Out of all the tasks we listed in the previous sections, this one is probably the most challenging and taxing but, at the same time, the option that presents the greatest personal fulfillment and feeling of self-worth. So, yeah, even though humanitarian workers are properly compensated this is not exactly the career path that will make you rich. What you do get is an opportunity to travel the world and help the people who need help the most in the most tangible manner possible. This job profile is also very open to people of different backgrounds although experience in health and social services is considered a plus.

Freelance digital nomad

Last but not least, we have to mention the digital nomads whose ranks are growing with each passing day. Also, would like to point out that digital nomad is not exactly a profession but more of an umbrella term that describes freelancers who perform their jobs remotely and prefer to travel instead of being rooted at one location. Therefore, if you possess any skill like coding, graphic design, tutoring chops, or virtually any other talent that can be monetized on the freelance market, keep this option on your table. Even if you start slow, your salary will allow you a pretty decent life in some less developed countries.

We hope these few examples gave you an idea about the job options you can take if you like to spend a lot of time on the road but still want to have a successful and accomplished career. Or, who knows, we may have sparked a couple of ideas of your own. The most important thing to realize is that a life of adventure and a successful career doesn’t have to come at the expense of each other. As a matter of fact, if you make the right choice, the better at your job you are, the more opportunity to travel you will get. So, don’t wait even for a moment longer and start making your dreams come true now.