To The Person Trying To Enjoy The Little Things In Life Just A Little More

December 2, 2023 | Posted at 7:12 pm | by Rachael (Follow User)

Smile often.


Think freely


Practice patience



Savor special moments


Make new friends


Rediscover old ones


Tell those that you love that you do


Feel deeply


Discard worry


Forget trouble


Forgive an enemy


Keep a promise


Take a chance


Try something new


Reach out


Have good ideas


Make some mistakes


Learn from them


Be delusional Count your blessings


Observe miracles — make them happen


Pick some flowers


Share them


See a sunrise


Listen to the rain


Look for rainbows


Gaze at the night sky


See beauty everywhere


Laugh heartily


Spread joy








Embrace the moment


Slow down


Let someone in


Be soft sometimes


Hope again Grow through your situation


Work hard


Be wise


Comfort a friend


Cry when you need


Trust life


Have faith


Enjoy wonder


Take a walk in nature


See the beauty in your existence.