To Anyone Who Thought They Would Be Further In Life By Now, This Is For You.

February 25, 2016 | Posted at 1:26 pm | by Felix (Follow User)

Where you are today, is not where you will always be. You will eventually be further along.

But I know how you feel. There’s nothing like feeling as if the place where you’d hope to be in your life is not where you are. It can be discouraging. It can be disappointing. But I’ve also found that it can be motivating.

The thing about life is that you never know what is to come. You never know if the plans you have will actually work out (and it’s really a blessing if they do). You never know how the dots will collide. You never know what you don’t know about what you don’t know. But what you should know is that you have to optimistically force yourself through these moments of doubt, uncertainty, anxiousness, and all of the above. You have to.


In those moments when you feel down about yourself or down about where you are in your life right now, know your situation can change. Push yourself through it. Don’t discourage yourself. Change your thoughts. Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got. So change. Change what you believe about yourself. Change how you see yourself and what you are capable of becoming.

To anyone who thought they would be further in life by now, don’t feel defeated by what’s in front of you. As author, political activist, and lecturer Helen Keller once stated, “Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.” You cannot achieve success without failure. The only way out is to face yourself, face yourself, and to make the decision to believe in yourself like never before and to know that where you are not is always where you will be.

In the moments when you think about how you wish you were further or that you thought you would be further, you need to remember the power that you have within you to change your situation; to decide who it is that you are going to be; and to become everything you once dreamed of becoming. Don’t let your present situation discourage you. Don’t let fear overcome you. Be positive. Be fearless. Realize that we are all a work in progress. All of us. You are eventually going to get to where it is that you want to be. You will.

You will. You just can’t give up on yourself.

Never lose sight of your dreams; who it is that you want to become; and what it is that you want to accomplish in your life. You have to decide what you want for yourself and work every day towards that. Once you do, you’ll find yourself changing. You’ll find yourself going further, than you ever once thought possible.