To Anyone Trying To Find Their Place In The World

July 6, 2016 | Posted at 4:36 pm | by Oscar (Follow User)

Mostly everyone wants to feel like they belong. As human beings, we crave to know that even as a tiny speck in this big universe, our existence has meaning, purpose.

It’s part of the human experience, I guess, of wanting to know we are part of something, know who we are, and know where we are is where we should be. But for me, honestly, it’s more than knowing, it’s about feeling… feeling that for once, I’m not looking for my place in the world; instead, I have one.

From one life stage to another, it’s not easy trying to find your place in the world or discovering your purpose. It’s not easy trying to uncover who it is that you want to be and how you can be it. As a recent college graduate, the constant inner battles of this often feel unwavering. Sometimes I think I know what I want to do with my life, and I’m confident that I can create my place in the world. Other times, I am full of uncertainty, of being unsure of myself and my place in the world.

Sometimes, I feel alone, heightened by the pressures of life. Then, sometimes I think this is how you’re supposed to feel when figuring out your way. Everyone says I’m at a moment of my life intertwined with mystery, dents of opportunity, and paths that can lead to countless uncharted territories. “The world is your oyster,” they tell me.


It annoys me to see other people much more put together, self-assured than myself. It makes feel bad about myself, like there’s something wrong with me for being unsure. Honestly, all I want is to not have the pressure of finding my way. This whole episode is exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time…

But, maybe that’s the point.

For those of us trying to find our place in the world, maybe we’re putting more pressure on ourselves than necessary. If we all feel this way, then obviously, it’s not a bad thing. We are just trying to figure out what it is that we’re passionate about and how we can use what we love to discover our place in the world. Really, maybe it’s our passions that create our place in the world, as we let go of our inhibitions and become fearless in finding ways to create meaning with our lives.

If you, like me, are feeling the pressure of fitting into the world and finding your place in the world, know you’re not alone. Maybe we’re supposed to create our own world and other people will follow us into it. Maybe we don’t feel like we fit in where we are because we’re not supposed to. And maybe the place we are in now is where we should be so that we can carve out our place in this big, uncanning universe.

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