Tips For Starting Your Own Business As A Vegan Nutritionist Life Coach

July 16, 2019 | Posted at 7:10 pm | by Magnolia (Follow User)

After a few years of being vegan, you may feel so confident about your knowledge of nutrition that you want to help others have an easier time than you did transitioning to veganism. Anyone who has adopted a vegan lifestyle knows there’s a learning curve to eating a healthy vegan diet when so many foods you’re used to eating are suddenly off-limits. 

However, being a vegan coach is about more than knowing what to eat — it’s about knowing how the body will react with the change and knowing how to help people prepare for it. If you’re considering becoming a vegan nutritionist, here are some tips for your business venture. 

Find Your Niche

Before you begin your business, it’s important to think about what you have to offer clients that other nutritionists aren’t offering. This can be anything from offering a plant-based diet schedule with a lot of freedom, a more strict diet that focuses on weight loss, a raw diet that focuses on health, or a health plan that focuses on turning your client’s meat-loving diet into a vegan diet centered around mock meats. 

Develop a Business Plan

After finding your niche, you should develop a business plan for the kind of structure you want to center your business around. As an entrepreneur, you’re responsible for creating a business out of nothing, and in order to do this, you must have foresight for your vision and goals. Although you will always run into unforeseen obstacles, knowing what your business stands for prepares you for handling any situation you may come across. 

According to Entrepreneur, “a business plan is a written document describing the nature of the business, the sales and marketing strategy, and the financial background, and containing a projected profit and loss statement.”

Highlight Your Principles

As you’re developing your career, you’ll need to find a way to stand out from the multitudes of other people who start their own business. Being in charge of your own business provides you with a lot of independence and allows you to develop your business with whatever principles of veganism that are important to you. By highlighting your values as a vegan business, you stand to attract people with similar beliefs, which can help your business grow and be a rewarding part of owning your own business.

Promote Health Education

Whether or not your business is centered around health, health education is important for any nutritionist to know and be able to convey. Even if you’re helping individuals who want to be vegan but don’t necessarily care about being healthy, the diets you promote should be balanced and provide information that will help your clients lead a lifestyle that meets all of their needs. 

Knowing why foods should or should not be consumed is information you should be able to provide to clients and anyone who asks as this establishes your credibility as a vegan coach. Having extensive knowledge about the benefits of food, not only on the body but on the mind and as a weapon against depression, is an important service for nutritionists to provide. 

Gather Feedback From Your Clients

As you take on your first clients, it’s important to ask them how they feel about your program and what they’d like to change. This feedback can help you shape your business to better match client needs. If they like what you’re doing, it might be worth asking them to write a review for your business online — after all, according to Womply, 90% of people report that their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews. The more positive client reviews you have, the more likely your business is to grow!


Veganism has gained a lot of popularity in the last several years, with plant-based alternatives popping up in grocery stores across the world. The accessibility of vegan food causes people to gain interest in the diet, however, it’s a common belief that veganism can be unhealthy. By providing nutrition consultation to those who are curious, you will help spread accurate information about plant-based diets and help other transition into veganism.

There are obstacles in entrepreneurship and developing a business isn’t always easy. Consider what sets you apart from other nutritionists and develop a business plan centered around health education and vegan principles, and you’ll be able to create a career from the aspects of veganism you’re passionate about.