Tips For Eco-Friendly Camping Trips

July 2, 2022 | Posted at 1:57 pm | by Mark (Follow User)

Bringing awareness to the topic of global warming and what we can do in our everyday lives to help revive nature is very important. When we feel like escaping from polluted cities into nature and going for a camping trip, we must also be aware of the traces we leave behind and how to prevent further pollution from taking place within nature that quite literally gives us life. Here is how you can stay eco-friendly and mindful of the environment on your camping trips.


Buy organic food

Firstly, before you even set foot on your journey you can start being more eco-friendly by buying organic food. Not only are you going to be treating your body more healthily, but you will also be protecting the environment by opting for organic and natural foods instead of foods filled with pesticides, fertilizers, and tons of synthetic elements.


DIY your meals and snacks

Speaking of food, there are other amazing ways to be eco-friendly on your camping trip that involve the way you prepare your food. One of the best ways to ensure you are sustainable and protecting the environment when eating out in nature is to prepare your meals and snacks when going on a road trip.

Firstly, this is a great way to create minimal waste by avoiding grocery store foods that are packed in an unnecessary amount of plastic. By prepping your food at home, you get to choose the packaging. You can pick reusable containers made out of glass, reusable plastic, and other eco-friendly materials. You can also use recyclable materials and store them away till you come back to the city so that you can take them to the recycling bins.

Another great benefit of this is the fact that you’re looking out for your health as well. A lot of the store-bought products that promise a lot of protein, fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients are also packed with junk food that you shouldn’t be consuming.


Bring reusable dishes

Another aspect of the way we prepare and eat food in nature has to do with the dishes we use. We all know that it’s much easier to get one-use dishes and just throw them away once we’re done. However, by putting in a little bit more effort and simply washing the dishes we can help protect the environment. So, the next time you go on a camping trip, opt for reusable dishes. You’ll also notice that this habit will save you a lot of money in the long run.


Say no to plastic water bottles

Though it may be more convenient to grab a bottle of water at the store whenever you need one, this bad habit of ours is actually hurting the environment the most.

According to a study made by the Pacific Institute, it takes about 3 times more water to make just one bottle of water than it does to just fill a single bottle of water. On top of that, there are some extremely toxic chemicals used in the process of making the bottle of water that make the water unusable. It also takes about 17 million barrels of oil to make all of the bottles of water just in the USA every year. So imagine how much you can help the environment by choosing to drink from one glass bottle of water instead of buying a new one every other day.


One of the most important eco-friendly steps: LEAVE NO TRACE!

Bringing awareness to these environmental issues and how much they are affecting our quality of life as well as the number one priority. When we go camping our goal is to escape the city chaos and enjoy some time in nature. However, there will be no nature, no fresh water and air, no trees and rich flora and fauna to enjoy if we destroy it all. So when we spend time in nature it’s of utmost importance to respect it and leave it as we found it. We need to strive to be better and leave no trace behind.

One of the most efficient ways we can achieve that is by carefully choosing the materials of items we carry around with us. For instance, we can use canvas tote bags instead of plastic ones. We can also opt for wooden materials instead of metal and plastic that leave traces in the ground for centuries and intoxicate the grounds once they dissolve. For example, durable wood sunglasses are amazing for occasions like camping trips. You can carry them around without worrying about damaging them and you’ll know that you’re making the right decision for choosing an eco-friendly version over toxic ones.


Opt for natural body products

When you go camping you will most definitely need to bring a lot of skincare products, body washes, lotions, bug repellents, and other cosmetics for hygiene. When picking these products at the store we usually prioritize their effects on our body and health but rarely do we think about how these products affect the environment.

For instance, plastic packaging that is not recyclable end up in the ground and takes quite literally thousands of years to dissolve into the ground, and even then it leaves traces of toxic substances that intoxicate the soil and the water. Products such as sunscreen can pollute lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. Does this mean you should stop wearing sunscreen? No. however, you have to be careful when picking the right products and you should learn how to understand the ingredients list at the back of the product. Anything that contains permethrin is harmful to the environment and should be avoided. In other words, avoid water-soluble products and opt for ones that will effectively protect you from the sun and bugs but will also protect the environment from toxic substances.

When it comes to soap and toothpaste, you should aim to get the ones that are biodegradable. The regular ones take way too long to break down so opt for ones that are eco-friendly instead.



In conclusion, caring for nature doesn’t take much. It all comes down to creating a habit of paying attention to details and choosing options that are healthier both for us and the world we live in.