Tips for Dealing With Bad Life Decisions in Your 20s

August 27, 2019 | Posted at 6:48 pm | by Magnolia (Follow User)

Young adults experience many new types of freedom. Being able to make your own decisions and live independently often leads to experimentation. You may be curious about different cultures, lifestyles, or diets. Unfortunately, sometimes the experiments you do in your 20s have some serious ramifications. However, this is what life’s all about, and you shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes

Most of the time, there are simple ways to deal with your poor choices. Let’s explore some typical mistakes people make in their 20s and how to get yourself back on track so that you can live a healthy, productive, and satisfying life. 

Mistake: You Got a DUI

Drinking and driving don’t mix. Getting a DUI can change your future, relationships with family and friends, career plans, and restrict your driving privileges. Young adults are more likely to be involved in crashes due to impairment than any other age group. In 2013, one out of every three drivers with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or higher involved in fatal accidents were between the ages of 21 to 24. It’s important that you’re aware of the ramifications of a DUI and how breathalyzer readings can be affected by other things, like mixing it with artificially sweetened beverages. 

Ways to Cope

Getting a DUI can be overwhelming. You may feel alone, ashamed, and even thankful that you survived without injuries or causing harm to others. Getting over the initial feelings is only part of the journey. If you’re ready to get back on track after getting a DUI, try a few of these tips to do so:

  • Seek support: Whether it’s your first DUI or a subsequent one, finding a support group can help. Look for formal groups at your church or search online for an Alcoholics Anonymous groups in your hometown. You can also look for a counselor who can work with you in a one-on-one setting to discuss any underlying problems that may be causing you to reach for a drink. 
  • Evaluate your social circle: If your only friends are drinking buddies, it might be time to change things. You may be able to keep your friends if you can control your drinking. However, many people find that the only way to stop drinking too much is to find a new friend group and activities. 
  • Get an attorney: If you’ve just gotten a DUI, you must retain a lawyer quickly. Look for one who specializes in DUI convictions to ensure you get treated fairly and understand any possible ramifications in the future. 

Mistake: Your Eating Habits Are Less Than Stellar

Many young adults overeat junk food, grab too many beers, and skip over necessary food groups like fruits and veggies. You may also develop poor habits like skipping breakfast, eating late at night, and not drinking enough water. The good news about having a poor diet now is that you can quickly change your nutritional habits to get yourself back on track

Ways to Cope

There are three rules you should follow when trying to eat healthier:

  • Balance daily intake of protein, carbs, and fat: You can do this by practicing portion control and choosing a variety of healthy foods for each meal. 
  • Eat frequently throughout the day: Instead of eating three large meals, try eating four or five small meals to boost your metabolism and burn excess fat and calories. 
  • Choose the right portions: You can buy an inexpensive food scale to help with portion control. Research each food you eat to know how much is one serving and then measure or weigh your food to keep you on track. 

Mistake: You Had Unprotected Sex

Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. What started as an innocent night turned into one that could leave you vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

Ways to Cope

Educating yourself on the signs of STDs and STIs and when to seek treatment is the most critical step you can take. Many of these conditions don’t cause immediate symptoms, which is why they can be spread from one person to another without anyone knowing. 

If you have typical signs of an STD or STI such as pain with urination, discharge from your genitals, or itching in your genital area, get tested for STDs and STIs right away. You can visit a clinic or order a home test. Home testing is secure, reliable, and fast. All you have to do is order your test and then visit a testing center. Your results should be available within three days of completing the test. You can get your results online or by calling. If you test positive for any STDs or STIs, you must follow all recommended treatment and re-testing, if needed. This helps to ensure that you won’t pass the condition onto others and that you can go back to being healthy. 

Mistake: Credit Card Debt is Out of Control

It’s easy to lose financial focus in your younger years and make a few common money mistakes. You may not fully understand how debt, credit cards, and loans work. Before you know it, you’re up to your ears in debt with no savings, and you might be unsure how to turn it all around. 

Ways to Cope

If you’re in over your head with credit card debt, you need a plan to pay down your debt fast. Here are a few tips you can use to get debt-free:

  • Tap into your savings: If you have more than $1000 in your savings, redirect those funds to your debt. While this might feel uncomfortable, it’s the best way to get your debt paid down quickly so that you won’t continue to accrue interest.  
  • Increase your income: If you need more money, it might be time to find a second job or side hustle. Use all of the extra funds to pay off your credit card debt. 

Getting Back on Track for Your Future

There are a lot of things nobody tells you about growing up. Not understanding how things work can lead to mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up. Create a plan and get yourself back on track quickly. Use these tips to cope with some of the most common mistakes in your 20s and then be sure to learn from them so that you don’t make the same mistakes into your 30s.