5 Tips To Get Your Dream Summer Internship

April 25, 2016 | Posted at 11:50 am | by Ashley (Follow User)

It’s that time of the year when many are trying to navigate and finalize their summer internship plans.

It can be a hectic time, but it can also be a very rewarding time, if you go about the process in the right way. I interned at about a dozen companies in college and I wanted to put some tips together for you to make the process go smoothly.

I’m not saying that I know everything about getting internships, but these are some actions that helped me. Here are five tips to help you get your dream summer internship.

1. Make a short list of the places that you really could see yourself working.

By narrowing down where you want to intern, you will be able to really study the companies and know them well enough to provide insightful answers during your interviews.

(Photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock)


2. Put together a dynamite resume, online portfolio, and list of all of the skills that you would bring as an intern for your interview.

Before your start reaching out to people about internships, make sure that you have everything together because nine times out 10 once you connect with them, they will want to see these. They may also be Googling you so make sure that you have the best online brand possible and make sure to stop by your school’s career center to get extra help with your resume.

(Photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock)

(Photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock)


3. Find out who is in charge of the interns and reach out to them. Be courageous.

Once you have everything together, it’s time to start getting in touch with people. You can do this by calling the main line of the company, get connected to the department of your interest, and then ask to speak to the person who is in charge of the interns. Yes, this experience can be kind of scary and daunting, but it will be so worth it in the end. It shows you have initiative and really want that internship. Then, whatever actions that they tell you to take, make sure to do them (i.e. applying for the internship through their website, emailing them, etc.).

(Photo: Goodshoot/Thinkstock)

(Photo: Goodshoot/Thinkstock)


4. Follow up with the person. Persistence is key.

Many students forget this last cherry to put on the top, but it’s so important. It’s helps you to seal the deal. Make sure your email is sincere and reiterates why you are the person candidate for the internship. Also, make sure that it is well-read and put together nicely.

(Photo: FogStock/Erik Palmer)

(Photo: FogStock/Erik Palmer)


5. And know, throughout this whole process, everything is about your attitude.

Make sure to always keep a good attitude throughout the entire experience. When negativity gets in your system, it will eventually come out and it will not be good. You want to have a great can-do personality, despite the process that you are undergoing. Think positive and you will get positive results- always.

(Photo: Fuse/Thinkstock)

(Photo: Fuse/Thinkstock)


Do you have any other tips that you would offer to someone? Put them in the comments below. I look forward to reading them!