11 Thoughts On How To Navigate Any Process Life Brings *Semi-Annoyed*

June 27, 2016 | Posted at 4:45 pm | by Trey (Follow User)

I hate to break it to you, but life is full of processes.

You know, those things you have to go through to get to where it is that you want to be? Life will always bring you another process to go through. As much as it can be annoying, every process is important for developing you so that you can reach your greatest successes and your full potential. To make it easier for you to navigate through any process you face, here are some thoughts I’d like to share:

1. Have a “No Matter What” Attitude

Make the decision within yourself that no matter what happens you are going to choose to get through the process. No excuses. Take hold of having a determined mentality.

2. Have a Goal in Mind

Usually, we begin every process with a goal in mind to fulfill. Keep that goal at the center of everything you do. It will inspire you to keep going.

3. Trust It

Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens for you. Learn to trust and believe that the process you are going through will help you to become who you ultimately hope to be.

4. Embrace It

Don’t fight the process. Allow it to mold you.

5. Choose to Learn from It

Take every experience and everything you encounter in process as a learning opportunity to better yourself and your understanding of the world.

6. Develop Your Patience & Willpower

The most powerful things you gain from your experience are patience and willpower. Be willing to pay the price to develop the character that you need for where you will ultimately be.

7. Become Self-Reliant As Much As Possible

Learn to count on yourself. Rely on yourself to make it through, no one else.

8. Seek Help When You Need It

Sometimes, we do need some encouragement or words of wisdom from those around us to help navigate what we’re facing. And that’s OK, just don’t become dependent on them.

9. Never Succumb to A Defeated Mentality

At times during the process, you may get discouraged or feel like you can’t get through it. Don’t. Rise above this and remember that this process is only temporary. It is nothing compared to the greater success and achievement you will get in the end.

10. Be Mindful of Your Mind

Become selective in what you allow yourself to hear, take in, and accept. Feed yourself with all things positive.

11. Believe You Will Get Through It

So much of getting through a process is belief. Have the audacity to believe in yourself and to believe that this process is only the beginning of something incredible that is to come.