The One Thing You Have To Do Before You “Grow Up”

March 26, 2016 | Posted at 12:00 am | by Riley (Follow User)

Alright, some of you may have been told at a young age to go after your goals and your passions. And, this was easy to do when we were younger.


But, unfortunately, as we get older, it seems like reality starts to sink in even more. Sometimes our dreams are not our realities and we often feel stuck. We also often listen to the naysayers and miserable people around who can be quite discouraging on your journey to fulfilling our dreams.


So to get out of this feeling of  ‘being stuck’, what’s the one thing that we here at RIZZARR recommend that you do?


We say make a list of 100 dreams that you want to fulfill in this life. Yes, 100. it seems like a large number, but you might be surprised in realizing how many dreams -even ones that you think are simple- that you actually want to fulfill but have yet to do so.


There is something about writing your dreams and your goals down that kind of forces you, or at least urges you, to make them become your reality. Dream writing is important because you are never too old to dream, and if that means that in some aspects of your mind you will be a kid forever, well, good.


It’s when people start to ‘grow up’ and feel to old to dream that their dreams often become unfulfilled and there is no goal achievement in their lives because they begin to feel stuck. So, we want to encourage you to never become too old to dream and to always go after your passions until they are fulfilled. Life is too short.


And, think of it this way, we only live for 100 years or so.


Therefore, we better make the most of our time here on earth and not get so bogged down by ‘being an adult’ or responsibilities. You have too much in you to not make this list and to become to make your dreams, your reality.


What do you think?