22 Things Should You Never Do Along Your Life Journey

December 8, 2017 | Posted at 1:40 am | by Lukas (Follow User)

What things should you never do?


1. Do not go the safe Most people choose the safe path instead of the one they want to walk, and you can see where those people end up.

2. Do not listen to people telling you that you can’t do it. Most people will not believe you until you show them hard on proof, ignoring those people is the best thing you can do.

3. Do not stay around negative people. Both negativity and positivity are addictive and will be transferred to you.

4. Do not be afraid to fail. Failure is part of the process, at the end, you can fail a million times as long as you succeed ones.

5. Do not give in to your limitations. We change and grow every single day, test your limits as often as you can to see if they are still limits or just limiting beliefs.

6. Do not make false promises to anyone, especially not yourself. Do what you say you will do, no matter what it takes; do not cheat yourself.

7. Do not manage. Managing time is a load of work, instead control your time. What is more work: managing the world or controlling the world?

8. Do not eat junk food. You know what is good and bad for you, do not give in to the temptations.

9. Do not get addicted to TV or video games. The average person spends 4 hours a day in front of the TV… Think about what you could do with 1460 hours a year.

10. Do not forget to read. The average person reads 1 Book a year. The average successful person reads 1 Book a week.

11. Do not lie. Lying causes so much more problems than just telling the truth. Telling the truth makes you a much better person much faster.

12. Do not deny anyone’s beliefs. Even if you do not believe it that doesn’t mean that that belief isn’t real for them. Accept that everyone has different beliefs.

13. Do not be afraid to say NO. If you do not want to, do not have the time, or do not feel like it, then just say no.

14. Do not believe that anything is “impossible”. The impossible is being done every day. It was impossibleto land on the moon, impossible to climb Mt. Everest, impossible to run a 4-minute-mile, impossible to fly, and yet here we are, doing it all.

15. Do not have a Plan B. If you have a plan B, then you will never try your hardest for Plan A. People who succeed despite all odds believe that it is “do or die”.

16. Do not stay in one place. The world is vast and there are so many things to learn, most people that reach depression have stayed in one place their entire lives.

17. Do not eat the same foods. Make it a habit to eat something new every time you go out to eat. Sure, there will be some flukes, but you will also discover your favorite foods that way.

18, Do not limit yourself in terms of working. You can work harder and produce more than you think you can. Work harder andbe smart about it!

19. Do not compare yourself to anyone but your past self. There will always be someone better and worse than you, stop comparing yourself to other people. Instead, compare yourself to how you were a year ago and notice all the positive changes.

20. Do not settle for less. You only settle if you think you cannot achieve it, and that is the same as giving up. Never settle, and you will get everything you ask for.

21. Do not give up on things you desire. Ever. The only way to truly fail is to give up. If you never give up failure becomes a stepping stone. But when you give up, failure will be the only result.

22. Do not limit your dreams. You want it, then ask for it and go and get it. It’s impossible you say? GREAT! Be the first one to do it! Anything is possible. Dream as big as you can, never give up on those dreams and never settle. Find a way where there is no way!